Technical paper

Market models for CDS

In August 2004, Risk published an article on the pricing of credit default swap (CDS) options entitled A measure of survival by Phillip Schönbucher. Here, Damiano Brigo provides an alternative derivation of the CDS option pricing formula based on Cox

Broadening horizons

When the investment horizon is of the order of a few years, such as in the context of personalfinancial planning, it becomes necessary to calculate and stress-test the exact distribution ofthe market at the given horizon, as the common first-order…

Excess yields in bond hedging

Litterman & Scheinkman (1991) showed that the term structure of interest rates is reliablymodelled by an affine three-factor model using principal component analysis. Such a modelis inconsistent with no arbitrage. Here, Haim Reisman and Gady Zohar derive…

Caring competition

What are the theoretical consequences of restructuring electricity markets on emissions? Here, Benoît Sévi shows that changes in supply and consumption and restructuring for competition has environmental effects, and argues that strong public policies…

Detecting market abuse

Financial regulators need a way to detect market abuse in real time. Marcello Minenna has developed such a procedure that can detect, for each quoted stock and on a daily basis, the presence of market abuse phenomena by means of a set of tripwires that…

Maximum likelihood estimate of default correlations

Estimating asset correlations is difficult in practice since there is little available data andmany parameters have to be found. Paul Demey, Jean-Frédéric Jouanin, Céline Roget andThierry Roncalli present a tractable version of the multi-factor Merton…

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