Sovereign bond IM increases at LCH Ltd
Margin held in own sovereign debt up 50% year-on-year
Eurex initial margin ebbed over Q2 as default fund swelled
Participant contributions to default fund up 55% quarter-on-quarter
JSCC placed majority of its default funds with the BoJ in Q2
Loss-absorbing resources stashed with commercial banks fell over the three months to end-June
EU CCPs expand overseas footprint
Thirteen per cent of EU CCP clearing members are from outside the EU
CCPs added cash to their liquidity buffers in Q1
CME increased cash reserves at central banks by 271% quarter-on-quarter
LME Clear stretched by CCP stress tests
Metals clearing house would exhaust prefunded resources under Esma’s default shock scenario
Top clearing houses bolstered default funds over Q1
NSCC reported its guaranty resources grew 231%
Ice Europe’s CDS unit hit by almost 1,000 IM breaches in Q1
Peak breach was €100 million in size
Initial margin models of top CCPs slipped in Q1
Achieved coverage levels declined quarter-on-quarter
LCH SA incurs record number of margin breaches in Q1
Largest initial margin shortfall amounted to €100 million
Initial margin held by JSCC swelled 65% in Q1
Largest IM call for JGB index futures and options unit was ¥443.9 billion
DTCC’s mortgage unit hit by $1.5bn margin breach in Q1
A large, directional portfolio $100 billion in size was to blame
OCC made $32bn initial margin call in Q1
Clearing house reported peak margin breach of $273 million
Fourteen margin breaches at CME’s swap unit in Q1
The peak breach was almost $80 million in size
SwapClear incurred a $558m margin breach in Q1
Liquidity and concentration add-ons covered 41% of mark-to-market exposure
Margin breaches exceed €500m at Eurex in Q1
Eurex disclosed 3,180 margin shortfalls over twelve months to end-March
CCPs built up liquidity buffers heading into 2020
LCH SA grew qualifying liquid resources 49% year on year
LCH suffered longest operational outages of top CCPs in 2019
London-based LCH LTD said core systems were down for almost seven hours in 2019
Entering 2020, most CCPs had bigger default funds than a year ago
Majority of back-up funds to handle member defaults saw more pre-funded resources flow in
Eurostoxx dividend futures see trading frenzy
December 20 contracts drop 39% in March
Cleared sovereign CDS volumes build as pandemic spreads
South Korea and Italy CDS vols dominate Ice Clear Credit and Ice Clear Europe, respectively
iTraxx volumes spike amid market panic
Volumes of Ice-cleared index contracts more than four times higher than average
Oil futures and options see record volumes
Brent crude contract traded volumes hit 3.4 million on March 9
Top five clearing members dominate CCPs
Thirteen of 25 clearing services surveyed have 50% or more open positions in hands of top five members