Solvency II
Tell it to the judge
With well over a year to go to implementation, the Mifid bandwagon is already rolling through investment firms across Europe, but what punishment can financial services criminals expect, if any? Peter Madigan investigates
In brief: CEIOPS issues consultation papers on Solvency II
The Committee of European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Supervisors (CEIOPS) has released two consultation papers on Solvency II. The consultations will further define the level one principles of the directive, which is expected to be implemented…
EC expert group recommends less hedge fund regulation
The European Commission’s (EC) expert group on hedge funds has stressed that more regulation is not needed, and that barriers should be removed to allow institutional investors to market products throughout the European Union (EU).
Industry to call for €50,000 minimum EU hedge fund threshold
An industry body formed to analyse the current organisation of the alternative investments business in the European Union (EU) will tomorrow call for no specific regulation of hedge funds save for a minimum investment threshold requirement of €50,000.
Commit to emit
Carbon Trading
Tell it to the judge
Mifid close to the end game
Going by the book
Norwegian life companies
Facing the op risk future
Operational Risk
Return of a heavyweight
Japan derivatives
Cash for old smoke
Carbon emissions
EC close to approving Mifid
The European Commission is expected to approve the technical measures of the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (Mifid) in September. The announcement was made after the European Securities Committee’s (ESC) unanimous approval of the measures.
Solvency II – the progress so far
The 14 directives that make up the package that is Solvency I are comprehensively out of date in terms of capital adequacy and risk. Regulators began work on the new Solvency II framework in 2002, structured around a risk-based system that applies…
Mifid benefits for UK 'hard to grasp'
LONDON – The Financial Services Authority (FSA) has confirmed a final timetable for the implementation of the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (Mifid) in the UK but has admitted that the cost of the new regime will be considerable and the…
Mifid benefits for UK 'hard to grasp'
Finding the middle ground
Regulator Q&A: Elemer Tertak
Rethinking Ratings
Credit ratings