Basel Committee
UK banks unprepared
Many UK banks are still unprepared for the implementation of the new Basel Accord for risk-based capital allocations, according to Chase Cooper, a London-based operational risk and corporate governance solutions provider.
Operational Risk Conference Preview > Experts to speak on evolution and challenges of op risk
Risk magazine and Operational Risk are holding their sixth annual Operational Risk conferences in London and New York in March. The events are designed to provide delegates with insights into the latest techniques for managing and quantifying operational…
UK banks blame FSA and EU as they fall behind in the compliance race
UK banks are slipping behind in their preparation for the operational risk portions of Basel II, as well as lowering their expectations of the level of compliance they will be able to achieve. Many firms are quietly beginning to blame the country's…
UK banks blame FSA and EU as they fall behind in the compliance race
UK banks are slipping behind in their preparation for the operational risk portions of Basel II, as well as lowering their expectations of the level of compliance they will be able to achieve. Many firms are quietly beginning to blame the country's…
UK banks blame FSA and EU as they fall behind in the compliance race
UK banks are slipping behind in their preparation for the operational risk portions of Basel II, as well as lowering their expectations of the level of compliance they will be able to achieve. Many firms are quietly beginning to blame the country's…
Sponsor's Article > Alliance & Leicester Uses SunGard's Basel II Capital Manager
SunGard Trading and Risk Systems, an operating group of SunGard (NYSE: SDS), today announced that Alliance & Leicester, a UK financial services group, is using SunGard Basel II Capital Manager for improved credit risk management and Basel II compliance.
Securitisation specialists urge last-minute changes to Basel II
The securitisation industry is keeping the pressure on in the hope of some last-minute fine-tuning of the new Basel Accord, due for completion in mid-2004.
SEC rule on broker-dealers must be equivalent to the EU Directive on Financial Conglomerates, says SIA
The Securities Industry Association (SIA) has urged the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the US Department of Treasury to ensure that the proposed rule on the Alternative Net Capital Requirements for Broker-Dealers that are part of…
Constructing an operational event database
Michael Haubenstock of US bank Capital One outlines a framework for an event database, formulated with current US regulatory guidance on the subject in mind. The text is an abstract from The Basel Handbook, which has just been published by Risk Books.
EU politics make UK decisions difficult
Technical Focus
Solvency II paper leaves op risk capital treatment wide open
Regulatory Update
OpRisk accord sans frontières?
Capital Accord Comment
A complex framework
Many Japanese financial institutions now conduct their derivatives business through their securities firms, but there are a number of legal risks in using a securities dealer as a derivatives trading entity, writes Tan Ser Kiat of Denton Wilde Sapte…
Basel across boundaries
With branches spanning Asia, the Middle East, Africa and Latin America, Standard Chartered faces a number of challenges in implementing the new Basel Accord. Yet Richard Meddings, the bank's group risk director, has his eye firmly fixed on the most…
Top six HK banks may adopt IRB
As many as six Hong Kong banks may implement the internal ratings-based approach (IRB) to Basel II by the end of 2006, potentially accounting for as much as 50% of Hong Kong's banking assets, says Simon Topping, executive director of banking policy at…
US Congressman blasts Basel II while supervisors forge ahead
A US Congressman sent waves of panic across Europe when he announced at a fringe event of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland in late January that he had serious reservations about whether the US would ever adopt Basel II.
Banks Tackle Op Risk
Banks misplacing millions of pounds and dollars may sound absurd, but operational risk makes it more commonplace than you might think.
Bracing for Basel
When international banking supervisors met in Basel, Switzerland in 1999 to propose a new framework for capital adequacy, they set in motion the biggest shake-up of the decade as to how banks measure risk and allocate capital. The new proposals, called…
UK’s FSA reforms ORIAG as ORSG
The UK’s Financial Services Authority (FSA) has reformed its Operational Risk Implementation Advisory Group (ORIAG) as the Operational Risk Standing Group (ORSG), after deciding to disband ORIAG in the fourth quarter of 2003. The group is being chaired…
Basel II will reduce securitisation by banks, but won’t alter bank ratings, says Fitch Ratings
The implementation of the more risk-reflective Basel II will reduce the attraction of securitisation as a means of lowering banks’ regulatory capital requirements, but is unlikely to change the ratings of originating banks, according to a special report…
Running dry
Bond outlook
Big US banks forced to adopt Basel II, says expert
Regulatory update