Basel Committee
Bank of Italy official posts op risk paper
In mid-July, an official from the Bank of Italy posted a paper, The modelling of operational risk: experience with the analysis of the data collected by the Basel Committee, which is beginning to garner attention in international op risk circles.
EU CAD: behind the smiles
The industry is putting on a brave face when commenting on the latest proposals for the EU Capital Adequacy Directive, but all is not as it seems.
Bank of Italy official posts op risk paper
In mid-July, an official from the Bank of Italy posted a paper, The modelling of operational risk: experience with the analysis of the data collected by the Basel Committee, which is beginning to garner attention in international op risk circles.
EU CAD: behind the smiles
The industry is putting on a brave face when commenting on the latest proposals for the EU Capital Adequacy Directive, but all is not as it seems.
EU calls for review of credit rating agencies
The European Commission has called for a review by the Committee of European Securities Regulators (CESR) of credit rating agencies, amid renewed activity on both sides of the Atlantic on the credit rating agency regulatory debate. Also, according to…
Basel II and the single-instrument bank
Banks could take a cue from the construction industry if they want to lessen the burden of Basel II, argues Ron Dembo.
Non-G10 countries to implement Basel II over 2007-09
South Africa has set January 1, 2008 as the implementation date for the new Basel Accord, also known as Basel II, according to Carel Oosthuizen, the head of Basel II implementation at the South African Reserve Bank.
Emerging nations consider Basel II
Latin America will be the non-OECD continent with the highest percentage of banking assets under the various Basel II op risk approaches according to a new study completed by the Financial Stability Institute.
New rules for a new era
The UK's new rules designed to implement a risk-based regime for regulating the insurance industry are due to come into place at the end of the year. John Ferry talks to the Financial Services Authority about what this means in practice for insurance…
Europe's insurers get used to a stricter regime
Regulators are increasingly bearing down on insurers as the market looks to establish better risk management practices. With the Solvency II proposals being drafted, what are insurance companies doing to make sure they can comply with the stricter…
Directory Listing >> Datawatch solutions and the quest for Basel II compliance
It has never been more important for organisations to have control over their data. In the aftermath of the astonishing accounting scandals of Enron, Worldcom, Adelphia, Global Crossing and others, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act together with the Basel 2 Accord…
Basel harmony still a long way off, notes IIF
“No-one really appreciated the complexity of the whole [Basel Accord] process,” says Charles Dallara, managing director at the Institute of International Finance (IIF). “It is only in the last nine months that regulators and bankers have woken up to the…
Latin banks face up to Basel II
Latin American countries should focus on adopting better risk management practices rather than rushing to implement Basel II, according to speakers at a seminar held in Mexico in July.
Sponsor's article > Basel II: time for action
Despite some lingering issues, the main points of contention around the revised Basel II capital Accord have been resolved, and implementation seems more certain than it has for several years. David Rowe argues it is time to stop hoping it will go away…
Emerging nations consider Basel II
Front Page News
EU CAD: behind the smiles
EU capital adequacy directive
FSA opens up to industry
Regulatory Update
Basel II: time for action
Risk analysis
The drivers of risk
Basel II: the market reacts
Latin banks face up to Basel II
New Angles
Basel II and the single-instrument bank
The risk architect
Quantifying operational risk
This is the fifth of Charles Smithson's latest series of Class Notes, which will run in alternate issues of Risk through to the end of 2004. Class Notes is an educational series, designed to pull together the threads of recent developments and thinking…