Federal Reserve

Basel IIBetter for everyone?

On June 26, 2004, international banking supervisors agreed in Basel, Switzerland to a new framework that will alter the way many banks calculate their capital requirements. The new Basel Capital Accord is to be phased in during 2007 and is scheduled for…

US forex committee issues broker points rules

The Foreign Exchange Committee, a US industry association affiliated to the Federal Reserve, last week issued new guidelines on broker ‘points’ – the issue at the heart of last year’s massive Wall Street forex fraud, reports RiskNews’ sister publication…

US regulators scorned over "prescriptive" proposal

The financial services industry's reaction to a new proposed statement from US regulators on complex structured finance activities was "somewhere between terrified and scornful", according to one industry association executive. Another industry…

All change on the BIS op risk team

Three well-known regulatory figures will be changing places over the course of February as various secondment arrangements between the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), the Bank of England (BofE) and the Federal Reserve in the US come to an end.

Fed's Ferguson defends US position on Basel

The US approach to regulatory capital is "perfectly consistent" with the spirit of the new risk management proposals from the Basel Committee, said Roger Ferguson, vice-chairman of the board of governors of the US Federal Reserve System, this week.

US Congress Basel II bill is put on hold, for now

Washington DC – The bill written by the House of Representatives' Financial Services Committee, which was designed to take control of the Basel II negotiation process away from US regulators and hand it to Congress, has been shelved for now, say…

Regulator outlines AMA issues for US banks

In a late-July speech at a Risk Waters Group forum on the US's advance notice of proposed rulemaking, the Federal Reserve's Kirk Odegard described how the US would be implementing the advanced measurement approach for op risk, and outlined regulators'…

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