Federal Reserve
US learns to play the Basel game
Mnuchin report marks a US regulatory shift – from leadership to gamesmanship
Scrap the gold plate: Mnuchin goes global on bank rules
Treasury converges to international standards, but leverage ratio exception may delay Basel deal
US Treasury stance on CCAR a return to ‘bad old days’
Overhaul would kill test failed by eight banks in past three years
Model risk falls under the CCAR microscope
Fed using qualitative reviews to test compliance with SR 11-7
Spectre of mass swap unwinds looms ahead of VM deadline
Dealers warn of market disruption if trades lacking new CSAs are terminated before September 1
Time to talk about settlement risk
Quants are proposing netting or the use of CLS Bank to remove Herstatt risk in margined trades
People moves: EBS makes switches in electronic forex
Citadel hires SEC director as general counsel; MUFG’s new leveraged finance head; Nomura changes India chief; and more
Critical Mass: why US Treasury swallowed unloved Volcker rule
Bank prop trading ban drafted in a lunch break after Democrat defeat in Massachusetts
What to do about Libor?
Darrell Duffie explains why transition from Ibor-based benchmarks is necessary and feasible
OCC seeks leverage ratio relief as liquidity shrinks
85% of CCP’s volumes now short contracts on 20 biggest names, claims risk chief
Fed’s Powell joins chorus of Volcker rule critics
Governor seeks to simplify rule banning prop trading
Madness in the method: Basel grapples with G-Sib riskometer
Some experts warn the methodology to identify systemic banks could increase systemic risks
Volcker fights back as prop-trading ban comes under attack
Former Fed chair tells Risk.net that calls for total overhaul of eponymous rule are misplaced
Model risk managers eye benefits of machine learning
Ramp-up in regulatory scrutiny of model validation sees banks turn to black boxes
Congress urged to curb Fed’s regulatory powers
House hearing revives debate on consolidating US regulatory agencies
Monthly swaps data review: Libor dominance challenged
There are more sources of over-the-counter derivatives data available today than at any point in the market’s history
Redemptions focused within strategies suffering losses in 2016
Redemptions focused within strategies suffering losses in 2016
Regulatory blitz weakening model risk management, say banks
Smaller banks’ modelling practices under growing scrutiny, but ability to comply is stretched
US lawmakers divided over Volcker rule’s impact on bond liquidity
Both sides cite Fed data to support their interpretations of prop trading ban
OFR leads US push for mandatory adoption of LEIs
Berner says his bureau could use repo-reporting project to drive uptake of legal entity identifiers
Doubts grow over US FRTB implementation
Fragmented roll-out would price European banks “out of the market”
Republican senator slams bank capital rules
US president Donald Trump is no fan of Basel III, Perdue claims
CFTC set to flex its muscles in FSOC meetings
FSOC must study the impact of capital rules on trading liquidity, Giancarlo says
New Basel delay throws SMA into doubt
Revised op risk capital framework unlikely to be implemented uniformly, even when a deal is agreed, bankers say