European Central Bank (ECB)
Portugal succeeds at auction but fails to sway analysts
Portugal sells $1.6 billion worth of government debt at auction, but commentators remain wary of fundamentals
Political risk on the rise for bondholders
The political will
Some peripheral euro countries do not deserve 'developed' status – Bremmer
Q&A: Ian Bremmer, Eurasia Group
Senior financial debt holders on alert for forced haircuts
Haircut horrors
The debate over CCP central bank liquidity
The liquidity access debate
Dublin deflects ECB criticism of bank law
Ireland’s finance ministry says central bank independence not threatened by bank bill; statement comes in response to wide-ranging European Central Bank critique of draft law
EFSF's Frankel: guarantees are "enough for the time being"
European leaders endorse EFSF model, as facility gears up for debut issuance of up to €5 billion
Brussels forges ahead with Sepa end-date proposal, despite differences
European Commission proposes deadlines for national credit and debit transfers to migrate to Sepa system; move could divide stakeholders
France public debt levels start to make credit investors twitchy
Is France losing its pluck?
Sovereign CDS spreads continue to fall after volatile week
Tightening of peripheral CDS continues for third day after Trichet announcement
Peripheral CDSs fall on ECB liquidity promise
The cost of insuring against a default of peripheral European states continued to fall today, after peaking at record highs on Tuesday.
Markets relax on peripheral debt ahead of crucial ECB meeting
Peripheral CDS tighten as Trichet raises hopes of more bond purchases
CCP turf war simmers as OTC regulations head to the European Parliament
CCP turf war simmers as OTC regs head to European Parliament
ECB could offer governance concession on T2S
European Central Bank could modify governance arrangements of its settlement platform in a bid to entice sterling to join
Irish woes may spread to other PIIGS
European Union action on Ireland’s bank debts points to fears over contagion spreading across peripheral Europe.
Central banker Honohan expects IMF loan for Ireland
Trinity College's Lucey adds, "Thank God we have an honest central bank governor. He's the first official to call it as he sees it."
Make the right decision: Spain’s Ordóñez to Dublin
Governor of the Bank of Spain suggests Irish officials ask for help as fears grow that Dublin’s resistance to a bailout will trigger contagion
A liquid market – banks tap insurers' liquidity reserves
A liquid market
Dealers anticipate further Eonia volatility
Fasten your seat belts
ECB calls for more data to prevent crises
European Central Bank draws attention to information gaps, says broader and more flexible data will aid macroprudential supervision
ICFA talks Target2- Securities with the ECB
Jean-Michel Godeffroy, chairman of the T2S programme board at the European Central Bank, talks through the future of the settlement platform with Melanie White of ICFA Magazine
ECB's Constâncio: grant CCPs access to central bank liquidity
European Central Bank's Vítor Constâncio says central counterparties should get access to central bank liquidity so long as they're regulated
Drop in ECB liquidity take-up sends Eonia higher
Bankers predict higher overnight rates as the ECB ends long-term liquidity operations.
EU bolstering Club Med to fend off second banking crisis
EU help for Club Med nations is designed to give European banks enough time to minimise exposure to the region prior to debt restructurings, said analysts at a Fitch Ratings conference.