Beyond comparative statics
David Rowe says it is time to extend stress testing to include more than just analysing the immediate impact of selected extreme events
Financial network risk
Both macroeconomics and financial theory have failed to deal adequately with systemic risk. However, other disciplines have much to teach us about the stability and fragility of complex dynamic systems, argues David Rowe
It's NOT the econometrics, stupid
Risk modelling has come under the microscope since the onset of the crisis, with many blaming market risk models for exacerbating the crisis. Elizabeth Sheedy presents a defence of quantitative techniques
Not quite champagne time
As the anniversary of the Lehman collapse that triggered the worst financial crisis since 1929 rolls around, it is not quite time to start popping Dom Perignon corks. There is still some debate as to whether this will be a V, U or W recession. The talk…
When reality bites
Editor's letter
Tales of leverage
Better safe than sorry
Editor's Letter