Equity markets
Unlocking private equity
Private equity
Lean liquidity
Fixed income
Mid cap alla ribalta
Derivati su azioni
Kalibrierung - Markov-Projektion zur Kalibrierung der Volatilität
Der Neueste Stand
Vendere a clienti facoltosi
Private Banking
Income Plus Zertifikate
Realised volatility and variance: options via swaps
Peter Carr and Roger Lee present explicit and readily applicable formulas for valuing options on realised variance and volatility. They use variance and volatility swaps - or alternatively vanilla options - as pricing benchmarks and hedging instruments…
Raising the stakes
Second generation
A flawed structure
Rising default rates in the US subprime mortgage market have caused serious difficulties for lenders, with some filing for bankruptcy. Regulators have demanded a tightening of underwriting standards, but bankers say other factors were also at play.
Model mismatch
And now, Eurex has a short story about Russia for us…
Being bearish in the land of the bear was once nigh impossible, but Eurex told David Walker all that was about to change...
Unlocking private equity
Structured Products
Exchange-traded funds - Gaining currency
Structured Products
Market graphic: Correlation breakdown
Market Graphic
The challenge of diversity
Positive profit
Miami's voice
Conference report
Innovation dawns in the Nordics
Regional Profiles
Set for meltdown?
Cover story
Supervisory clampdown
Korea regulation