Foreign exchange

BarCap appoints new FX structuring head for Americas

Barclays Capital has appointed Tim Davenport as managing director and head of FX structuring for the Americas. Davenport joins the bank from Bear Stearns, where he was head of structured derivative products for the past two years.

Deutsche launches proxy inflation index

Deutsche Bank has created a proxy inflation index that seeks to mirror inflationary trends in Asia excluding Japan by using a combination of inflation in Europe, the US and Japan, and commodity exposures in food and metals.

RBS strengthens FX and rates exotics in Asia-Pacific

RBS has strengthened both its trading and structuring teams in Asia-Pacific with two senior appointments. Rubin Rajendram joins as head of euro and US dollar rates exotics trading and Richard Summerbell as head of currency structuring for Asia ex-Japan…

Dow Jones offers new Indian index

Dow Jones Indexes has launched the Dow Jones India Titans 30 index, which is designed to provide exposure to the 30 largest and most liquid stocks listed on the Bombay Stock exchange and the National Stock Exchange of India. The index will be licensed as…

The price isn’t right

Shifting European power marketstructures and fundamentalsmake price risk management formajor consumers a real challenge.Noreen Guy and Damien Coxexamine the most effectiveprocurement strategies

Carbon market associations join forces

A merger between the Carbon Markets Association (CMA) and International Carbon Investors (ICI) has brought together sixty banks, law firms and service providers that work within the carbon market, including Barclays Capital, JP Morgan and RBS Sempra.

No changes to Libor, says BBA

The British Bankers' Association has ruled out major changes to its Libor fixing, despite criticism earlier this year that the widely used interbank rate had become unreliable.

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