Foreign exchange
Fool's gold - How securitisation promised much ... but delivered little
The notion that securitisation as a technique is able to increase liquidity in the financial system by making marketable securities out of hitherto illiquid debt has been exposed as flawed, argues Anastasia Nesvetailova. It's not that financial…
Why Basel's not faulty
The tenets of the Basel II Capital Accord are fundamentally sound; it's the methods that the banks are using to implement them that are not so sound
My money's on covered bonds
An asset class that has prospered throughout some of the most turbulent times in modern European history must surely be a serious investment prospect during the current downturn
Market graphic - The 2008-2010 credit cycle
Default rates are on the way up, but by how much? Ulf Erlandsson and Graham Rennison, quantitative analysts at Barclays Capital, use data on credit conditions to predict default rates and economic growth rates over the next two years of the cycle
New year, new hope for euro corporate bonds
Now that issuers have woken up to the unpalatable truth that wide spreads are here to stay - for the short term at least - a mini-rally in European bond issuance has ensued. Laurence Neville looks at how the corporate bond market is adjusting to its new…
Counting on the counterparty
High-profile banking failures have led to uncertainty over the ability of credit derivatives counterparties to honour their side of the trade. Contingent credit default swaps, or CCDS, are designed to mitigate this risk. But will plans for a central…
Striking a balance
Editor's letter
The market-consistent value of liabilities and the credit crunch
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Benefit over the long term
Sponsored Round Table
Zur Validierung von Marktrisikomodellen
Der Neueste Stand - Marktrisiko
Basel III?
Zeit für ein neues Modell?
Ökonomische Kapitalmodelle
Die Lehren aus der Katastrophe
Beruhigend teuer