Foreign exchange
Credit deals and hybrid structured products
Cover Story
Market snapshot
Market Analysis
GFI buys Trayport
GFI has acquired Trayport, a provider of real-time electronic trading software for brokers, exchanges and traders in the commodities, fixed income, currencies and equities markets.
OTC space braces for energy powerhouse
CME's potential acquisition of Nymex will have major ramifications for rivals, say analysts. David Watkins reports
Basel II backlash
Credit Risk
Offshore insecurity
Das Undenkbare
Kalibrierung der Laufzeitstrukturen der Ausfallwahrscheinlichkeiten
Der Neueste Stand: Kreditrisiko
Auf den VaR kommt es an
A tragedy in three acts
Riding out the storm
Hedge funds
The race to replicate
Hedge fund replication
Von Herabstufungen aus der Bahn geworfen
Collateralised Commodity Obligations
Chaos bei der Marktwertanpassung
Strukturierte Kredite
Economic capital ideas
Class notes
Der Wert eines Systems
Providing an opportune environment for South Africa to improve capacity
Sponsored statement: Standard Bank