RiskNews review
The leading stories from RiskNews. For breaking news on derivatives and risk management, see www.RiskNews.net
Cleaning up the system
Sponsor's article > Redefining risk methodology horizons
Research has suggested that banks may need to address issues not clarified by Basel II and take a long, hard look at whether accepted approaches to evaluating credit risk are adequate. As part of its strategic forum series, SunGard's Panorama business…
Weather Board of Trade delays launch as problems mount
Atlanta-based Weather Board of Trade (WBOT), which was set for an October launch, will now only start trading exchange-based weather derivatives in February 2003. WBOT has also lost a number of its charter members, encountered problems with its fund…
Japan’s SMBC expects to issue synthetic CLO in early December
Japan’s Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation (SMBC) is preparing to launch a synthetic balance-sheet collateralised loan obligation (CLO) referenced on ¥500 billion worth of loans extended to 1,500 Japanese small to medium-sized companies.
A question of priorities
Japan's banks are aware of the need to prepare for Basel II, but it is just one of a number of urgent issues that need to be resolved in the Japanese banking sector.
Pinching the systems penny
Trading technology
Reacting to spreads
Credit derivatives
A question of priorities
Basel Accord
Tracing Transparency
Corporate bond traders are hesitantly embracing greater transparency and trying to figure out how to use it.
Budgeting for 2003
Deutsche Bank, Merrill Lynch and State Street outline how next year's budget will be spent. For starters, it will be spent cautiously.
Legg Mason Gets a Leg Up on Disclosure
Baltimore-based Legg Mason is one of the first firms to tap software to comply with NASD Rule 2711 about disclosing conflicts of interest.
Hunter hunted
People news
Trouble from above
Pension funds
Slim pickings
New Issues
JP Morgan Chase markets CDO with equity puts in Asia
JP Morgan Chase has begun marketing synthetic collateralised debt obligations (CDOs) with embedded equity put options to a small number of investors in Asia-Pacific. This type of structure is aimed at sidestepping the sometimes-thorny issue of…
Credit risk systems: Getting the risk right
The requirements of the new Basel Accord are prompting some banks in Asia to begin implementing sophisticated credit systems, but there are still some obstacles to overcome.
Eubank punches for Risk Waters Group's World Trade Center fund
Fancy a pair of boxing gloves signed by former world middleweight champion Chris Eubank? Then put in your bid with a call to Drew Stephens, chief operating officer atSpectron Group, the London energy broker, on 44 207 074 0799.
Economic capital: towards an integrated risk framework
Performance and bonuses are increasingly being assessed on profits after a charge for economic capital allocations. This has increased line managers’ interest in economic capital. As a result, risk managers must ensure that economic capital allocations…
Avoiding pro-cyclicality
Basel II and SMEs
The credit implosion
Taming the FIX connection
With large firms now juggling dozens of FIX connections, industry organizations and vendors are trying to soothe the protocol’s first set of growing pains.