Central banks
The risk monitor
As systemic risk concerns resurface, Gerald Corrigan, co-chair of Goldman Sachs’ firm-wide risk committee, has revived an industry group formed after the LTCM debacle. By Navroz Patel
Sponsor's article > The dangers of complexity
The dramatic financial market changes of the past 20 years have introduced daunting complexity into the system. Much of this complexity is the necessary consequence of valuable innovations. David Rowe argues, however, that complexity for its own sake is…
Wealth advisers: Time for a shake-up
Special report: Focus on the USA
No smoke without risk management
Corporate profiles
Oprisk management can prevent financial crises in emerging markets, says EMG
Integrated management of operational risks can help prevent financial crises in emerging markets, according to the Emerging Markets Group (EMG), an international development consulting firm that promotes risk-based supervision of financial institutions…
Has Opec lost control?
Emissions trading
New CDO applications
The runaway success of credit derivatives
Cash bonds and CDS diverge
cash versus CDS
An expanding market
Monthly Review
CBA Vita
Quant analysis by StructuredRetailProducts.com
Greg Peters
Answering the dollar doldrums
Emerging markets
The risk monitor
Shake-up for brokers
The dangers of complexity
Risk analysis
Sponsor's article > Capitalia Case Study: Effective Integration of Market, Credit and ALM
CAPITALIA BANKING GROUP is one of the top five banking organizations in Italy with total assets of EUR155bn. Based in Rome, the group is the product of the merger of several leading Italian financial institutions over the last two years.
Credit risk stress tests need more work, says BIS
Leading banks have yet to develop a solid framework for credit risk stress tests that deals with all the likely effects stress events would have on their businesses, according to the latest report by the Bank for International Settlements (BIS).