Central banks
Raiffeisenbanken und Volksbanken Lebensversicherung (R+V)
Practitioner Profile
"We are all in this together"
More renminbi appreciation expected
New angles
Webcast >> Op Risk Technology
OPERATIONAL RISK gathered together top technology executives in June to debate the future of the op risk discipline.
Can research reinvent itself?
The provision of credit research to clients is undergoing sweeping reform, as regulatory concerns grow over potential conflicts of interest and banks reassess the value of giving out freebies. Philip Moore examines what this all adds up to for investors
Editor's letter
Risk rationalised
Risk rationalised
Emissions education
As the European carbon market continues to grow, so too do some unique challenges: not least the gap between retail and wholesale players and the problem of counterparty credit risk. Oliver Holtaway reports
Trusts gain traction
Canadian oil and gas companies are rushing to convert to royalty trusts, despite the stigma some attach to them. This is good news for the energy-hedging market, but some still have reservations about the trust sector. By Joe Marsh
Declaration of Independence
credit research
A time for credit overlay
market view
Inflation-linked bonds Ready for take-off, or a load of hot air?
index-linked market
League table chicanery in Spain
Spain focus
Martin Fridson
Pushing boundaries
Sharia-compliant CDOs
Pioneer's eastern front
Eastern Europe