Peter Madigan
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Articles by Peter Madigan
The gathering storm
The popularity of internet banking continues to grow, but so does cyber crime. Peter Madigan explores the security challenges for institutions active online and finds US regulators could be doing more to keep the banking public safe
Summer of discontent
Peter Madigan takes a look at how regulators in the US, UK and Europe have reacted to the events of the past summer, and the many rules and regulations practitioners can expect to face this autumn
The online frontier
2007 has been a year of online activism and banks have paid the price. Is there an emerging reputational risk threat posed by bloggers and discussion forums? Peter Madigan investigates
The only way is up
Until now, op risk and compliance professionals have not been as well remunerated as their counterparts in other risk disciplines. However, with increased demand for those with the right skills, this looks set to change. Peter Madigan reports
Doing the groundwork
The start of Reg NMS's pilot phase in July may have led compliance teams at brokerages to believe most of their work is done. But, as Peter Madigan explains, things are just getting started
In the line of fire
In the global fight against money laundering, financial institutions are developing various hi-tech weapons. Peter Madigan reports
Under a broad umbrella
Integration, consolidation and convergence were the key words from the top ranking companies in this year's compliance software survey. But as Peter Madigan reports, aiming for a fully comprehensive suite in a constantly changing regulatory world may be…
KRIs: that difficult age
Key risk indicators (KRIs) were once the golden child of operational risk, but they are now in the midst of a turbulent adolescence. Peter Madigan asks whether KRIs will start to grow up in the next couple of years
Harvesting loss data
Although often the core of Basel II models, loss event data is usually less robust than op risk executives would like. Peter Madigan explores the challenges around collection, clearing and enrichment
Risk managers: rainbow warriors?
Corporate social responsibility is an oft-bandied term among big business, but frustratingly hard to define. Peter Madigan looks at the risk issues for banks and what risk and compliance executives need to know
The Age of e-discovery
New regulations in the US and Europe are pushing email retention and storage up the agenda of financial services firms. Peter Madigan explores the challenges and the pitfalls of the changes for compliance teams
Is SOX reform about to take off?
Peter Madigan investigates proposals for long-awaited changes to the Sarbanes-Oxley Act
Is US BCP courting disaster?
The US authorities have fallen silent over business continuity management (BCM) of late, raising fears that the issue will slip down the American business agenda in 2007. Peter Madigan investigates
Surprising success, new risks
Are HEDGE funds liable to become the next operational risk and compliance crisis? This is the question that regulators, investors and other market participants around the world are asking themselves in the wake of yet another prominent hedge fund…