Matt Cameron
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Articles by Matt Cameron
Lehman restructured
The collapse of Lehman Brothers left billions of dollars of structured notes with unhedged exposures, prompting issuers to scramble for new counterparties to restructure trades. Meanwhile, some structured product providers have offered hope to investors…
The Latin link
In Latin America, product volumes are sliding and issuers are now happy to work on even the smallest trades. But Bulltick has managed to navigate these difficult conditions, concentrating on pricing distressed Lehman paper and dealing with now…
Incisive Itau
Banco Itau is one of the few banks in the Brazilian structured products market that is able to structure and distribute both capital-protected funds and synthetic structured notes. The fact that the bank can also hedge most of its products in-house has…
Credit too hot to handle
Some distributors in Asia are offering first-to-default retail credit notes that give sovereign exposure, signalling a revival of interest in credit. But heavy mark-to-market losses and the use of CDOs as underlying collateral in previous issues have…
In search of flexible friends
The onshore Brazilian retail structured products market could embrace a new structured instrument next year, which would bring much-needed flexibility to a highly restrictive environment. Recent regulations for mutual funds have also given foreign banks…