Fund of funds
Pooled funds may offer investors good value and diversity
launching internal fohfs
Far-sighted foresight
Stenham has got key decisions right, at the right time in the past, about the future, so David Walker asked Harry Wulfsohn about what the future now holds for the FoHF group
From alpha to beta
Michael Azlen, founder of Frontier Capital Management, explains to David Walker why he is no alpha fan
Cool-headed and anything but distressed
David Walker met Mellon Global Alternative Investments' directors Derek Stewart and Scott MacDonald to find out how they coped last year and their plan for 2008
Taking the risk out of pension planning
David Walker spoke to Dawid Konotey-Ahulu and Robert Gardner, founders of Redington Partners, to find out how they aim to do just that ..
Looking into the future
Tete a Tete: 2008 Outlook
A prime time to invest
Choosing a prime broker can be a daunting task for any hedge fund manager. David Walker met Lehman Brothers' Gunner Burkhart for some tips on how to make the right decision and avoid the political pitfalls common in some investment banks
Cream of the crop
Leader of the pack
FRM's founder Blaine Tomlinson won the inaugural Hedge Funds Review award for best long-term achievement in the fund of hedge funds industry in November. He and FRM Limited CEO Paul Dunning reflected on how the industry has changed and institutionalised…
The wizardry of Oz
…writes Blake Dawson’s Patrick James in Sydney
Ringing in the new year - what will it bring?
fund outlook
Model marketing
Staying ahead of the game
Family office investment club lunch
Wherein lurketh thy sting to the unawares, oh commodity markets?
tete à tete: commodities
The leaders of the pack!
family office leadership summit
"Beware of LSD," family offices told in their search for the best hedge funds
family office leadership summit
Old hands, steady heads
Mustafa Jama joined Morgan Stanley's FoHF team as CIO four years ago – and tells Solomon Teague there are not that many houses whose engagement with hedge funds stretches back 16 years
New seasoned and experienced old hands on the block
After gardening leave, John Godden set about recruiting for IGS Group, a multi-faceted alternatives consultancy, in the word's widest sense. Solomon Teague sat down with him to find out more on what IGS was built to do
Did somebody say, 'pension fund money'?
tete à tete: institutional investors