Nigel Wilson: industry must take lead in shaping new products
Engagement with policy-makers vital, says L&G chief executive
FSB delays designation of systemic reinsurers
IAIS assessment methodology under fire again for lack of clarity
Regulators must treat insurers differently from banks - Silitch
CRO of Prudential Financial puts case for longer-term view on capital
Insurers must prove bank-style run risk worries wrong
Be open about liability illiquidity, urge panellists
Volatility adjustment flaw incentivises risky investments by insurers
Bankers point to opportunity for insurers to load up on short-dated credits
Insurers slowly getting to grips with central clearing
Survey shows insurers are still grappling with challenges of central clearing
Experts call for changes to first global insurance capital standard
Concerns mount over calibration of BCR and higher loss-absorbency
New thinking is needed in the hunt for yield
Shrewd management as important as bold investment strategies
PRA: internal model insurers need a ‘plan B’
Firms must prepare in case their models are rejected, says regulator
Closed life specialists look forward to European boom
Buyers must avoid being hooked by unforeseen capital charges
Taiwan compels life insurers to offer longer-dated products
September ban on variable life insurance products intended to lengthen asset portfolio
Insurers weigh benefits of multi-asset funds
Asset managers promise high returns with low capital charges
UK regulator updates industry on matching adjustment
Insurers left uncertain about treatment of derivatives and equity release
Matching adjustment: delegated acts leave risk margin unclear
Industry still split on inclusion of spread risk in calculation
Solvency II equivalence: uncertainty frustrates model applications
Use of volatility adjustment for third-country subsidiaries also in doubt
Video: Jan Parner, Finanstilsynet, on the prudent person principle
Deputy director-general explains approach of Danish FSA
Good documentation central to model approval, say supervisors
Standard-forumula firms also face more stringent requirements
Examining the collateral and liquidity challenge: Derivatives in the insurance industry
Sponsored feature: Northern Trust
Taiwan to relax derivatives trading rules for life insurers
Regulator sees more advantages than risks in relaxing the rules
Commission slashes ABS charges in delegated acts
Solvency II measures aim to boost infrastructure and securitisations
Imap burden 'exorbitant' - Allianz CRO
Documentation for approval process running to 110,000 pages
National supervisors behind in Solvency II preparedness
Eiopa's Jarl Kure: 'there's still a lot to do'
Slow down, make friends and have faith, panel tells top risk managers
CROs from top insurers spell out how to excel in their role
US commissioner warns against focus on group capital
International standard-setters should not ignore legal-entity level view