Citi Eurostoxx 50 product courts currency risk
Currency risk included
Kempen's property sector play
Access to property
Barclays offers choice of barriers
Barrier picking
Trade of the month: Non-domestic underlyings
When investors are seeking diversification that includes foreign currencies, there is a choice of methods for approaching currency risk
Market Analysis: Hybrid and sub debt risk
Investors in bank subordinated debt and hybrid securities could be exposed to elevated credit risks if regulators push ahead with proposals whereby creditors bear losses before public sector support is given, says Fitch Ratings.
Market snapshot
A dramatic increase in the notional issuance of accelerated growth products in the US has catapulted Bank of America to the top of the issuance charts
FVC custom indexes
The three FVC indexes fell between April and May 2010, mirroring the falls in the market’s benchmark indexes
Product performance
The three products reviewed this month all have a strike date of 11 December 2009. The products are valued weekly and the results are shown along with the performance of the underlying asset. All three products are fairly typical of products that are…
Locking in principal protection
Merchant Capital is offering UK investors an at-risk growth product linked that locks in capital protection should the daily closing be at or above 110% of the initial level. Morgan Stanley is the issuer.