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Market scenario generator of the year: Conning

Conning’s GEMS economic scenario generator allows financial services firms to test business models and investment strategies against a wide variety of economic conditions for portfolio and risk management

ESG: the new risk factor in your portfolio

Risk officers, managers and quants at leading buy-side firms are experimenting with ESG as an ‘alpha enhancement’ to day-to-day risk management, to stay ahead of the pack and boost profit-and-loss margins

The evolving use of swaps by pension schemes

The end of the Emir mandatory swaps clearing exemption for pension scheme arrangements (PSAs) is approaching. Susi de Verdelon, global head of LCH SwapClear, discusses the significance of the upcoming change for PSAs, and the implications for their…

Next Generation ETD: a future-proof concept

In June, the infrastructure for Eurex’s next generation of exchange-traded derivatives (ETD) contracts went live. The concept meets changing market demand and is implemented across Eurex’s entire value chain, allowing more flexibility in the design of…