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Mifid II position limits: Preparing, monitoring and reporting in the new regime
Sponsored webinar: FIS
A data-driven era: Optimising data strategies to achieve regulatory compliance
Sponsored webinar: Wolters Kluwer
FRTB: The case for dynamic capital assessments
Sponsored feature: IHS Markit
Brexit and the UK inflation market: delivery and response amid challenges
As inflation continues to rise amid uncertainty following the Brexit vote, banks are being called upon to think outside the box in response. At a forum convened by Risk and sponsored by BGC Partners, our panel discusses the direction of the UK inflation…
The game is on: The buy-side tale
Sponsored feature: Rimes
Practical applications of smart beta
Sponsored feature: Amundi
Network Theory & Financial Risk | Kimmo Soramäki & Samantha Cook
Kimmo Soramäki and Samantha Cook walk you through network theory and analysis to help understand and overcome the risks associated with payment systems, exposure networks, trade networks and asset correlation networks.
Pulling it all together: Challenges and opportunities for banks preparing for FRTB regulation
Content provided by IBM
Sponsored video: Matt Pountain, Broadridge Financial Solutions
Matt Pountain, product lead and deputy general manager at Broadridge Financial Solutions, discusses what market requirements his firm has addressed this year and how it has innovated its post-trade management solution to earn the title of Best Newcomer…
Sponsored video: Collin Coleman, NEX Regulatory Reporting
Collin Coleman, head of NEX Regulatory Reporting, discusses the complications that arise from converging reporting regimes as well as how NEX Regulatory Reporting can offer advice to firms and share their regulation compliance burden.
Sponsored video: Eric Berdeaux, Oxial
Eric Berdeaux, chief executive officer of Oxial, shares his thoughts on the digital innovation in operational risk and compliance and what the biggest challenges Oxial clients are facing right now within compliance.
Perfect matching
Sponsored Q&A: BBVA
Rethinking risk management in the age of cognitive computing
Content provided by IBM
Sponsored video: Jodi Richard, US Bank
Jodi Richard, chief operational risk officer, discusses the bank being named Bank of the year in the 2017 Operational Risk Awards.
Effective collateral management strategies
Sponsored webinar: Calypso
A proven technology and exceptional service
Sponsored Q&A: NEX Regulatory Reporting
Accelerated MVA in triCalculate
Sponsored feature: NEX TriOptima
Margin settlement risk and its effect on CVA
Sponsored feature: CompatibL
XVA reaches far and wide
Sponsored Q&A: CompatibL, Murex and Numerix
Data management: Q&A with IBM's Curt Burmeister
Content provided by IBM
Cognitive computing and data challenges: Q&A with IBM's Diane Reynolds
Content provided by IBM
Regulation and compliance: Q&A with IBM's Grace Brasington
Content provided by IBM
Exploring a new frontier: Using cognitive technology to strengthen credit risk management
Content provided by IBM