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Green midstreamer powers ahead
Unique green capabilities and a ‘glocal’ strategy are behind the firm’s strong performance in this year’s Energy Risk Commodity Rankings, believes Mircea Caratas, chief commercial officer, ENGIE Global Energy Management
The new rules of market risk management
Amid 2020’s Covid-19-related market turmoil – with volatility and value-at-risk (VAR) measures soaring – some of the world’s largest investment banks took advantage of the extraordinary conditions to notch up record trading revenues. In a recent Risk.net…
Driving value from GRC
In today’s fast-changing business environment, an effective governance, risk and compliance (GRC) programme is increasingly seen as a foundation of agile decision-making. Michael Gibbs, chief executive officer of SureStep Systems Integration, discusses…
Options to mitigate the challenges of index cessation fallbacks and conversion
This has so far been a defining year for index cessation, Isda’s fallbacks protocol and central counterparty conversions. TriOptima insists that now is the time for firms to get their interest rate swap portfolios in order before year-end
Next-generation technologies and the future of trading
Register for our webinar convening groundbreakers, thought leaders and senior representatives from the buy and sell sides to discuss how trading businesses can adapt to this new environment to improve margins and generate alpha
Vendor analysis: SAS – Model risk management solutions 2021
This vendor analysis is based on the Chartis quadrant report GRC solutions, 2021 – Market update and vendor landscape, published in May 2021. It takes a detailed look at SAS’ quadrant positioning and scoring, and Chartis’ underlying opinion and analysis
Market fragmentation – The impacts of multiple rates and conventions
A forum of industry leaders discusses key developments in benchmark reform, and the strategic, operational and technological challenges involved in Libor transition
The Texas freeze and future calamities – How to build business resiliency in the face of disruption
Adverse weather in February stressed the Texas power grid to the point of failure, leaving millions without power and resulting in many firms filing for bankruptcy. While this event had some unique circumstances, extreme events are becoming more frequent
The art of effective market risk management during a period of transformation
This white paper takes a current view of market risk management, its growing complexity and how it can be transformative to institutions as the industry is widely recognising what are the right approaches to addressing evolving risks.
Changing derivatives strategies to address the new normal
The events of 2020 have propelled liquidity and collateral management to the top of the priority list for many buy-side organisations. A recent survey by Risk.net and Eurex explores how derivatives strategies are changing in response
Libor transition nears its end – Five topics you need to know
As the deadline to Libor cessation approaches, Liang Wu, executive director of financial engineering and head of cross-asset product management at Numerix, presents a series of market themes that warrant closer inspection
Achieving resiliency through robust risk management
Axpo executives discuss the biggest challenges for gas and power markets, their expectations for the future and the firm’s performance in the 2021 Energy Risk Commodity Rankings
The evolution of CTRM systems into commodity management systems
Enuit explores the importance of well-linked and fully integrated trading and operational systems to ensure trades that seem solid are not non-viable once operational factors are included into calculations, and posits the key considerations when…
Putting automations on autopilot – Getting the most from RPA programmes
Over the past two years, robotic process automation (RPA) has taken the energy industry by storm. As organisations are forced to do more with less, tools that allow companies to gain efficiencies, reduce cost and improve performance are critical
Insider fraud – Getting security and controls right
Even prior to the Covid-19 pandemic, insider threats were reported to be increasing with 48% of firms indicating that incidents were on the rise within their organisations. Where are so many firms going astray?
Navigating the Libor transition – A guide
A brand new, in-depth guide to help financial services firms consider the strategic questions underpinning the switch from Libor to new risk-free rates at their organisation
Powering through tough times
Hitachi ABB Power Grids’ dominant position in Energy Risk’s 2021 Software Rankings reflects its deep understanding of current market challenges
Options trading – Real-time tools evolve as ‘butterfly effects’ take flight
Michael Hollingsworth of Cboe Data and Access Solutions discusses the factors accelerating change in the options market and explains why buy- and sell-side participants are demanding a more nuanced view on options pricing and risk management data
Modifying market risk management – A year into the Covid‑19 pandemic
This webinar explores how capital markets participants revised their market risk management practices during the height of Covid-19 pandemic-induced market volatility and what this means for the future
ESG derivatives – From equity to fixed income and beyond
In a Risk.net webinar convened in association with Eurex, panellists discuss the rising demand for and their own experiences of using and developing ESG derivatives, their views on future developments and the challenges of growing the market