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Measuring climate risk: what’s possible now

Governmental and societal pressure on banks and asset managers to help manage climate risk and disclose progress toward a sustainable future is high. Institutions are working to quantify the impact of climate change on their balance sheets and want to…

Next-generation ESG derivatives

Amid increasing concern for the future of the planet, the demand for environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors has grown significantly. As such, global investors are looking for tools to support the development of sustainable portfolios. ESG…

The last days of Libor: are you ready for transition?

Financial and non-financial institutions must consider possible doomsday scenarios by year-end, when Libor ceases. Almost all new benchmark rates and tools are available to prepare for this landmark transition. This report explores the nuances of new…

Establishing an effective conduct risk framework

The stakes have never been higher when it comes to conduct risk. Regulators now look to hold senior managers personally liable for the misconduct of their employee populations and, with teams more globally dispersed, managing conduct and culture is more…

Next-generation technologies and the future of trading

At a Risk.net webinar in association with capital markets technology provider Numerix, panellists discuss the potential for increased adoption of the public cloud to boost investment performance, its impact on risk management and overcoming barriers to…

FX forwards and swaps

LCH’s Kah Yang Chong, head of FX Emea product, and James Shanahan, head of FX quantitative analytics, discuss whether clearing of FX forwards and swaps – so far limited by requirements under UMR – will provide the efficiencies market participants need

Insider dealing: amping up surveillance measures

Joe Schifano, global head of regulatory affairs at Eventus, examines how volatility resulting from the Covid‑19 pandemic has made markets more susceptible to insider dealing activity, prompting regulators to urge firms to reinforce surveillance measures…

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