Technical paper/Value-at-risk (VAR)
Component VAR for a non-normal world
Market Risk
Looking forward to back testing
With increasing challenges to measure value-at-risk and meet high regulatory requirements, the focus has turned to back testing as a way of assuring models' adequacy. Carsten S Wehn proposes a new regime of back testing, combining state-of-the-art…
Risk contributions from generic user-defined factors
In this article, Attilio Meucci draws on regression analysis to decompose volatility, value-at-risk and expected shortfall into arbitrary combinations or aggregations of risk factors, and presents a simple recipe to implement this approach in practice
Operational VAR: meaningful means
Making the assumption that the distribution of operational loss severity has finite mean, Klaus Böcker and Jacob Sprittulla suggest a refined version of the analytical operational value-at-risk theorem derived in Böcker & Klüppelberg (2005), which…
Dealing with seller's risk
The risk of trade receivables securitisations comes from both the pool of assets and the seller of the assets. Vivien Brunel develops a model for securitisation exposures that deals with both risks, and analyses in detail the interplay between debtors'…
Operational risk - Operational VAR: a closed-form approximation
Klaus Bocker and Claudia Kluppelberg investigate a simple loss-distribution model for operational risk. They show that, when loss data is heavy-tailed (which in practice it is), a simple closed-form approximation for operational value-at-risk (VAR) can…