Technical paper/Risk model validation
An optimized support vector machine intelligent technique using optimized feature selection methods: evidence from Chinese credit approval data
This paper focuses on feature selection methods for support vector machine (SVM) classifiers, checking their optimality by comparing them with some statistical and baseline methods.
Quantification of model risk in stress testing and scenario analysis
In this paper, the author's aim is to empirically analyze the numerical quantification of model risk, yielding exact buffers in currency amounts (for a given model uncertainty).
A comprehensive evaluation of value-at-risk models and a comparison of their performance in emerging markets
This paper aims to evaluate the performance of different value-at-risk (VaR) calculation methods, allowing the authors to identify models that are valid for use in emerging markets.
Back to backtesting: integrated backtesting for value-at-risk and expected shortfall in practice
This paper aims to reflect the current state of the discussion on the validation of market risk forecasts by means of backtesting.
Procyclicality of capital and portfolio segmentation in the advanced internal ratings-based framework: an application to mortgage portfolios
This paper investigates the procyclicality of capital in the advanced internal ratings based (A-IRB) Basel approach for retail portfolios, and identifies the fundamental assumptions required for stable A-IRB risk weights over the economic cycle.