Technical paper/Modelling
Model calibration with neural networks
Andres Hernandez presents a neural network approach to speed up model calibration
A gradient-boosting decision-tree approach for firm failure prediction: an empirical model evaluation of Chinese listed companies
In this paper, the authors employ a gradient-boosting decision-tree method to improve firm failure prediction and explain how to better analyze the relative importance of each financial variable.
Modeling impacts of stock jumps on real estate investment trust returns with application to value-at-risk
This paper aims to model the impact of extreme stock jumps on REIT returns.
Forecasting scenarios from the perspective of a reverse stress test using second-order cone programming
This paper proposes a model for forecasting scenarios from the perspective of a reverse stress test using interest rate, equity and foreign exchange data.
A structural model for estimating losses associated with the mis-selling of retail banking products
In this paper, a structural model is presented for estimating losses associated with the mis-selling of retail banking products. It is the first paper to consider factor-based modeling for this operational/conduct risk scenario.
Further investigation of parametric loss given default modeling
The authors conduct a comprehensive study of some parametric models that are designed to fit the unusual bounded and bimodal distribution of loss given default (LGD).
Impact of nonstationarity on estimating and modeling empirical copulas of daily stock returns
This paper investigates the extent to which the nonstationarity of financial time series affects both the estimation and the modeling of empirical copulas.
Multifactor risk models and heterotic CAPM
The authors of this paper give a complete algorithm and source code for constructing general multifactor risk models via any combination of style factors, principal components and/or industry factors.
Relative performance persistence of financial forecasting models and its economic implications
This paper addresses the issue of model selection risk by examining whether a model’s past performance in forecasting expected returns provides an indication of its future forecasting performance.
B-spline techniques for volatility modeling
In this paper the use of B-splines is advocated for volatility modeling within the calibration of stochastic local volatility (SLV) models and for the parameterization of an arbitrage-free implied volatility surface calibrated to sparse option data.
AERB: developing AIRB PIT–TTC PD models using external ratings
In this paper, the authors show how one can use a certain class of models for modeling portfolios such as large corporates, banks and insurance companies.
Modelling the financial risks of wind generation with Weibull
The manner in which wind generation can affect the half-hourly APX price is discussed
Loss given default modeling: an application to data from a Polish bank
This paper compares two methods of estimating LGD: a beta regression model and a multinomial logit (MNL) model.
A robust set-valued scenario approach for handling modeling risk in portfolio optimization
By introducing the set-valued scenario, this paper proposes a unified robust portfolio selection approach under downside risk measures.
Commodity value-at-risk modeling: comparing RiskMetrics, historic simulation and quantile regression
The authors of this paper investigate the risk modeling of commodities. They note that return distributions differ widely across different commodities, both in terms of tail fatness and skewness.
The global network of payment flows
This paper considers a network of cross-border SWIFT message flows where nodes are the countries in which the sending and receiving banks are domiciled. The authors analyze how the payment flows reflect or predict various aspects of the real economies.
Quant ideas: Do we need realistic models?
Realistic models not necessarily a prerequisite for successful risk management
Anatomy of a model: Valuation of physical assets
Quant ideas paper dissects layers of valuation models for physical assets
Robust valuation and hedging of tolling agreements and physical assets
Flexible, martingale duality-based method provides reliable valuation
Cutting Edge intro: maths versus machine
Banks can use maths - rather than special chips - to boost computing speed
Adjoint Greeks made easy
Adjoint Greeks made easy