Technical paper/Implied volatility
Hybrid smiles made fast
Hybrid smiles made fast
SABR spreads its wings
SABR spreads its wings
Cutting Edge introduction: Continuity error
Continuity error
Rational shapes of local volatility
Rational shapes of local volatility
Expanded forward volatility
Expanded forward volatility
The beta stochastic volatility model
The beta stochastic volatility model
Quanto adjustments in the presence of stochastic volatility
It is well known that the quanto adjustment in the drift of the underlying has a significant impact on the prices of quanto options. Alexander Giese points out that an additional quanto adjustment in the underlying’s volatility needs to be considered in…
Cutting edge introduction: perturbing the smile
Perturbing the smile
Cutting Edge introduction: viva cross-vegas
Viva cross-vegas
Cutting Edge: the year of CVA
The year of CVA
Filling the gaps
Filling the gaps
Market-consistent equity risk premiums
Market-consistent equity risk premiums
Filling the gaps
Filling the gaps
From spot volatilities to implied volatilities
From spot volatilities to implied volatilities
From spot volatilities to implied volatilities
From spot volatilities to implied volatilities
General short-rate analytics
General short-rate analytics
Volatility interpolation
Volatility interpolation
A Libor market model with a stochastic basis
A Libor market model with a stochastic basis
A dynamic model for correlation
Equity markets have experienced a significant increase in correlation during the crisis, resulting in exotic derivatives portfolios realising large losses. As larger correlations in downward scenarios are already implied in the index option market in the…
Putting the smile back on the face of derivatives
Cross-asset quadratic Gaussian models have been limited in the scale of their implementation by the difficulty in ensuring the correct drift conditions to omit arbitrage. Here, Paul McCloud shows how to exploit the symmetries of the functional form to…
Smile dynamics IV
Lorenzo Bergomi addresses the relationship between the smile that stochastic volatility models produce and the dynamics they generate for implied volatilities. He introduces a new quantity, the skew stickiness ratio (SSR), and shows how, at order one in…
Combining the SABR and LMM models
Pierre Henry-Labordere analyses a stochastic volatility Libor market model that combines the SABR and Brace-Gatarek-Musiela (BGM) models in a natural way. Using an innovative geometrical method, he explains how to obtain analytical formulas for swaption…