Technical paper/Collateral
Exposure under systemic impact
Exposure under systemic impact
Cutting Edge introduction: Followers of fashion
Focusing on how often a trading strategy ends on the winning side can distract from the question of whether it profits on average. The key is in the return distribution’s skew – and at least for trend-following strategies this can be directly controlled…
Cooking with collateral
Cooking with collateral
Risky funding with counterparty and liquidity charges
Risky funding with counterparty and liquidity charges
Continuing to rebuild
Degrees of influence
Funding beyond discounting: collateral agreements and derivatives pricing
Standard theory assumes traders can lend and borrow at a risk-free rate, ignoring the intricacies of the repo and collateralisation markets. Here, Vladimir Piterbarg shows that these force adjustments to discounting, forward prices and implied…
Modelling counterparty credit exposure for credit default swaps
Modelling counterparty credit exposure for credit derivatives is more complicated than for non-credit products, since the reference credit and counterparty can exhibit positive default correlation. Here, Christian Hille, John Ring and Hideki Shimamoto…
Collateral damage
Credit risk
Ultimate recoveries
Measuring recovery using the ultimate rate observed at emergence from bankruptcy may be conceptually desirable, but modelling it is difficult.
Ultimate recoveries
Measuring recovery using the ultimate rate observed at emergence from bankruptcy may be conceptually desirable, but modelling it is difficult. Craig Friedman and Sven Sandow tackle the problem by maximising the creditor’s utility function, constructed…
Unexpected recovery risk
For credit portfolio managers, the priority is to properly incorporate recovery rates into existing models. Here, Michael Pykhtin improves upon earlier approaches, allowing recovery rates to depend on the idiosyncratic part of a borrower’s asset return,…
Weighting for risk
Basel II
Modelling default correlation
Credit risk
Calculating with counterparties
Masterclass – with JP Morgan
Haircuts for hedge funds