Value-at-risk (VAR)
FRTB comes too late for Covid crisis
Expected shortfall would stop Basel 2.5 duplicate capital charges, but backtesting still a problem
Goldman Sachs’ VAR hits five-year high
Higher market risk accompanied bumper trading revenues in Q1
Eurozone banks fear market risk capital hike due to Covid-19
Hopes that ECB will fix double-counting as VAR breaches rise on market volatility
PRA relief to save banks up to 33% on VAR-based charges
HSBC may benefit most from easing of capital rules
UK bank market RWAs ebbed in 2019
HSBC shed $5.9 billion of market RWAs in 2019
TD Bank’s US unit incurred eight VAR breaches in 2019
Number of backtesting exceptions pushed the bank’s VAR capital multiplier to 3.75
Wells Fargo’s VAR spiked in Q4
Interest rate VAR increased to $211 million in last quarter of the year
RBS takes axe to NatWest Markets
Bank plans to slim trading operation to 10% of total RWAs
VAR models at odds on forex, commodities, credit risks – EBA
Interquartile distribution of VAR outputs highest for small banks, watchdog finds
Six EU banks need to fix market risk models – EBA
Nineteen firms underestimated capital requirements versus benchmarks
As business mix shifts, Eurex bulks up its default fund
Clearing house will raise charge to 9% from 7% as stress tests signal need for a fatter fund
Morgan Stanley unruffled by VAR model update
Quiet last quarter of 2019 saw average VAR down to $38 million
SEC derivatives rule may lead to new products
Proposed VAR limit is expected to benefit risk parity and defined outcome strategies
HSBC leads EU banks on VAR measures
In aggregate, IMA risk exposures focused on traded debt
Value-at-risk in the European energy market: a comparison of parametric, historical simulation and quantile regression value-at-risk
This paper examines a set of value-at-risk (VaR) models and their ability to appropriately describe and capture price-change risk in the European energy market.
Estimation of value-at-risk for conduct risk losses using pseudo-marginal Markov chain Monte Carlo
The authors propose a model for conduct risk losses, in which conduct risk losses are characterized by having a small number of extremely large losses (perhaps only one) with more numerous smaller losses.
Goldman leads US banks on trading VAR, but not on revenue
NY-based dealer makes $9.1bn trading revenue year-to-date to JP Morgan’s $18.7bn
JP Morgan takes axe to tough-to-model trading risks
US G-Sibs see market RWAs fall 4.1% quarter on quarter
Goldman, BBVA and TD Group incur VAR breaches in Q3
US unit of TD Group endures four breaches in three months to end-September
Quants bring ‘triptych’ of variables to risk measurement
Risk and portfolio managers at La Francaise and LFIS are squeezing more information out of stress tests
Model tweaks lift Danske’s market RWAs 30%
Tough trading quarter could also have pushed VAR-based charges higher
Interest rate, credit risk push BNP Paribas’ VAR up 25%
French bank also reported a VAR breach in Q3
Navigating the impact of climate risk on financial stability
As uncertainty abounds on the impact climate change may have on the industry, financial services firms must best equip themselves for potential regulatory and socioeconomic changes to ensure they maximise the opportunities of embracing new best practices…
Better risk reporting doesn’t need an IT upgrade
By revisiting certain calculations, new insights into risk and profit drivers can be gained, says data scientist