Swap dealer
Errors in CFTC extraterritorial guidance to be amended
A CFTC source acknowledges that inconsistencies in the proposed interpretative guidance on the cross-border application of Dodd-Frank will have to be ironed out
Cost-benefit defeat weighing on "gun-shy" SEC
Slowly but surely
A fragmented market with unfinished rules – but reporting deadline looms
All together now?
The club no-one wants to join: swap dealer rules remain unclear
A club no-one wants to join
Energy Risk USA: CFTC to move quickly on swap definition – Berkovitz
The US Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) is very close to finalising its long-awaited definition of a swap, says CFTC general counsel Dan Berkovitz
Isda AGM: CCPs fear clearing stampede
Market participants now have months, rather than years, until the Dodd-Frank clearing mandate takes effect - and CCPs are worrying about a last-minute rush
The long and winding road to Dodd-Frank
The road ahead
US energy firms fear Dodd-Frank ‘swap dealer’ definition as decision looms
The US Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) is approaching a key point in the process of writing rules to implement the Dodd-Frank financial reform bill: its final definition of the terms 'swap dealer' and 'major swap participant'. Energy firms…
CFTC's Sommers and O'Malia attack 'unworkable' Volcker rule
Republicans dismiss prop trading ban as overly complex, unworkable and unenforceable
Energy market concerns over Dodd-Frank
Casting a wide net
Energy companies warned on end-user status
Energy Risk USA speakers concerned about reliance on end-user status; urge energy companies to begin Dodd-Frank compliance planning
$20 million capital hike for major swap participants
All MSPs and swap dealers to hold minimum $20 million under CFTC proposals