Standardised approaches
Regulators’ FRTB estimates based on faulty premise – industry study
US market risk capital requirements could more than double if banks abandon IMA
Climate capital in the balance as EBA rejects green risk weights
European regulator suggests climate change must be factored into existing risk categories
Loss of ruble volatility waiver costs UniCredit €2.2bn in RWAs
Lender forced to capitalise FX risk from Russian operations after ECB withdraws key exemption
ABN Amro ditches op risk modelling
Dutch lender latest EU bank to switch to the standardised approach ahead of SMA introduction in 2025
VAR breaches trip up Citi, CS USA and two others in Q3
Comerica’s VAR multiplier ratchets up while Huntington’s remains at record high
Party’s over as more banks drop internal models for market risk
At least three systemic banks in Europe intend to ditch IMA for capital requirements
As banks limit FRTB model use, outputs get more volatile
Risk managers say selection of stress window becomes more sensitive if fewer desks are on IMA
JP Morgan, BofA say Basel III plan could wipe out capital cushion
Banks forecast $82 billion cumulative hike in capital requirements from Fed proposals
Riskless assets hit three-year low at top US banks
JP Morgan drives shift, shedding more than $65 billion in risk-free exposures
Share of op risk modelling falls at European banks
Less than half of analysed dealers rely on the AMA, as introduction of new standardised approach looms large
Metro Bank bets the house on lending pivot
New portfolio will need to grow quickly to avoid squeezing net interest margins, say experts
US banks’ RWA density dwarfs that of European peers
Truist, Capital One and PNC Bank lead with risk density above 65%
US Basel endgame hits clearing with op risk capital charges
Dealers also fret about unlevel playing field compared with requirements in the EU
Norinchukin’s RWAs up 21% as Basel III formulas react to market volatility
Market charges up 230% in harsh test of new standardised approaches
UBS leapfrogs global peers following Credit Suisse takeover
Swiss lender reports big increases in RWAs, leverage exposures and other key metrics
How operational risk managers won a battle and lost a war
Applying op risk capital to US regional banks is positive, but the SMA may not be fit for purpose
Northern Trust’s market risk surges ninefold in Q2
Market risk exposure jumps to $673 million, the highest level on record
Industry divided on whether Europe should delay FRTB
Most bankers prefer to keep to earlier start date, even though it puts continent out of sync with US
Comerica’s VAR multiplier spikes following eight breaches in Q2
Worst one-day trading loss at Dallas-based company was six times as large as its forecast
Banks unravel data conundrum as FRTB implementations stall
This Rapid read survey report, commissioned by Refinitiv, details how much progress banks have made in implementing FRTB and highlights the major challenges they face in gaining data insight, both for the SA and the IMA
Goldman most threatened by Fed’s rejig of modelled capital charges
End of credit risk modelling and scaling up of SCB’s role could tip six US banks below minimum requirements
Nine US banks could be caught by Fed’s revised market risk rule
Expansion of trading risk charges to banks above $100bn in assets would also affect firms with minimal trading activity
The strange effect of US clampdown on FRTB models
Ban on internal models for trading book default risk could provide some banks with unexpected capital relief
Banks slam zombie floors in Basel endgame proposal
US regulators double down on capital floors despite clampdown on internal models