Standardised approaches
CP3 Comment: Why be standardised?
It seems such a short time ago that we were building a new capital Accord, which would incentivise banks to improve their risk management and encourage them to move along the spectrum of the new Accord's three stages. How rapidly things can change.
CP3 Alert
CP3 Alert covers the most significant changes incorporated into CP3 by the Basel Committee, including alterations to the sections on securitization, operational risk, residential mortgages, credit derivatives, and the supervisory and public disclosure…
Book extract > Regulatory Use of Credit Ratings: Implications for Banks, Supervisors and Markets
Barbara C. Matthews is Banking Advisor and Regulatory Counsel to the Institute of International Finance, Inc. (IIF). The views presented in this chapter, however, are her personal views and do not necessarily represent the views of the IIF or its members…
US regulators restrict Basel II adoption amid agency infighting
In Congressional hearings on February 27, top US bank regulators sharply criticised the proposed Basel Accord revisions, and used their criticisms to justify plans to apply the new set of international banking regulations to only the top 10 banks in the…
KPMG Study highlights regional differences in Basel implementation
According to a recently released global study by the consulting arm of KPMG, the the international auditing firm, there are significant differences in how financial institutions in the US and Europe are preparing for the coming Basel Accord revisions.
ORIAG paper published on FSA website
The Operational Risk Implementation Advisory Group (ORIAG), which is chaired by the UK's Financial Services Authority (FSA), has posted its working paper, "Implementation of the Capital Accord for Operational Risk" on its website.
Global banking community poised and ready for QIS 3 op risk results
BASEL, SWITZERLAND – Bankers are eagerly awaiting the results on operational risk from the third Quantitative Impact Study (QIS3).
Cad 3 - Against their will [full story]
Europe's asset management industry is chiding Brussels bureaucrats for trying to bury it under a mountain of Basel-inspired regulation, which could boost costs and capital charges.
Banking body says Basel II will treat securitisation unfairly
The European Securitisation Forum (ESF), a banking industry body, said the proposed Basel II capital Accord, proposed by banking regulators, stands to unfairly penalise their business.
QIS 3: Banks can use internal pricing for standardised approach
BASEL - Banks participating in the QIS 3 survey can use internal pricing methods to allocate gross income to different business lines for the standardised approach to measuring operational risk in the Basel II bank accord, global banking regulators said…
Op risk rules inadequate, says Isma professor
LONDON - The Basel II capital accord rules regarding operational risks for financial institutions are inadequate, Jacques Pézier, a visiting professor at Reading University’s Isma Centre, told delegates at a conference in London this morning.
Revamping Corporate Actions
Dividend payments, stock splits, name changes, spin-offs and other corporate actions impacting securities already held in accounts were not supposed to be affected by T+1. But as the deadline for shortening the trade settlement cycle is challenging firms…
A call to action for Op Risk insurers
Insurance companies must not waste time now the Basel II regulators have shown an amber light to operational risk insurance, say Roland Avery and Daniel Butler.
Regulatory capital volatility
When the consultation period ends, what calibration of risk weights will Basel finally decide on? Here, Esa Jokivuolle and Samu Peura demonstrate that the ratings sensitivity of risk weights may require Basel to think more carefully about the…
Basel survey signals focus of discussion paper
The focus of the operational risk discussion document planned by global banking regulators is signalled in a survey seeking information on banks’ losses from such hazards as fraud, computer system failure and trade settlement errors.
Implications of Basel for credit risk
Credit risk comes under the spotlight in Pillar one of the new Accord, forcing institutions to consider the benefits – and costs – of meeting the regulatory requirements. Jared Chebib, head of credit risk consulting at Andersen’s London office reports.