Socially responsible investment (SRI)
Fixed income investors look to ethical funds – but do they pay?
Of all asset classes, fixed income has been one of the slowest to embrace ethical investment. Thanks in part to the growing influence of sovereign wealth funds, this may be set to change. But for many, lingering questions about whether constraining your…
Ethical credit investment set to surge
Growing participation in fixed income by pension funds and sovereign wealth funds with ethical mandates is spurring interest in socially responsible credit investment.
Aviva Investors recruits fund manager to SRI division
Colin Purdie, formerly of Aegon Asset Management, joins Aviva Investors as SRI credit fund manager.
Harcourt Belair (Lux) Sustainable Alternatives SRI Fund: Harcourt Investment Consulting
European Fund of Hedge Funds Awards 2009
Risk managers: rainbow warriors?
Corporate social responsibility is an oft-bandied term among big business, but frustratingly hard to define. Peter Madigan looks at the risk issues for banks and what risk and compliance executives need to know
Hedge funds must act morally to fit pensions' ethical criteria
Hedge funds looking to market themselves to Scandinanvia's institutional investors do not only need to look at the regulations. They may also need to brush up their skills in ethical investment, or socially responsible investment (SRI), given the fact…