Scenario analysis
SMA proposal fires up op risk managers
Banks say backward-looking SMA is easily gamed and will lead to high and volatile capital charges
Priips performance scenario rules under fire
New rules needlessly confusing, say distributors
European banks face steep op risk capital hike from SMA
Op risk accounts for 28% of US banks’ RWAs, compared with 12% at European banks
Random drawing might fill gaps in liquidity risk data
HypoVereinsbank risk controller proposes bootstrapped approach to liquidity stress testing
Application of the convolution operator for scenario integration with loss data in operational risk modeling
This paper addresses the uncertainty in scenario analysis and produces a combined loss distribution.
Risk evaluation of wind turbine investments
This paper assesses the risk inherent in wind turbine investments that rely on a power market in order to determine the selling price of generated power.
Op risk needs more weight in business decisions – NY Fed
Head of op risk supervisory team views tools as 'catalysts for change'
Fighting the cognitive biases that undermine scenario analysis
Risk managers should be aware of unconscious flaws in estimation
Ask questions and avoid sure bets, energy traders told
E.on Global Commodities CRO calls for disciplined approach to trading decisions
Flawed reliance on VAR a systemic risk for insurers
Solvency II has its weaknesses, says writer and consultant René Doff
GE Capital's Sabath describes '1.2 line of defence' model
Risk review and challenge belongs on the front line, conference hears
How banks handle and model emerging operational risks
Spreading the net wide enough to catch as many data sources as possible is key to tackling emerging risks
What if operational risk asked more 'what if' questions?
Banks and regulators urged to up their game in stress tests and scenario analysis
Basel Committee faces hard choices in op risk modelling reform
Reducing model diversity may endanger AMA's risk management benefits
Insurers come of age in sharing operational risk data
ORIC says it received a record number of loss event reports in H1 2014
Backward induction for future values
A new framework for derivatives pricing with valuation adjustments
Top 10 op risks 2015: model risk
Avoiding model failure will be a key issue in 2015
BlackRock overhauls scenario analysis approach
New approach introduced six months ago, as event risk increases
Scenario analysis key for more efficient modelling
Assessing exposures and vulnerabilities gives sophisticated risk view
Scenarios fill the speculative gaps, op risk panel says
AMA risk management and op risk modelling cannot succeed by data alone
Bank of the year: Nordea
Business continuity overhaul lets Nordea stand out
AMA, RCSAs and dealing with Libor at Rabobank
Dutch bank Rabobank has shaken off its Libor label pretty quickly, leaving it to focus on its co-operative roots, the AMA and its RCSA roll-out. Anne Snel-Simmons, head of operational risk management at Rabobank, talks to OpRisk about the challenges of…