Risk profile
Initial margin – A regulatory bottleneck
With the recent announcement of an extended preparation period for those smaller entities needing to post initial margin under the uncleared margin rules, the new timetable could cause a bottleneck for firms busy repapering derivatives contracts linked…
Competitive differentiation – Reaping the benefits of XVA centralisation
A forum of industry leaders discusses the latest developments in XVA and the strategic, operational and technological challenges of derivatives valuation in today’s environment, including the key considerations for banks looking to move to a standardised…
Estimating maturity profiles of nonmaturing deposits
This paper proposes a method to extract deposit lifetime data from individual account transactions.
One size does not fit all – Adapting to meet investment goals
Guillaume Arnaud, global head of quantitative investment strategies (QIS), and Sandrine Ungari, head of cross-asset quantitative research at Societe Generale, explore the benefits of QIS for investors, why flexibility is crucial for investors to meet…
A helping hand – Addressing industry concerns
The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision’s final revisions to the FRTB guidelines aim to address industry concerns around complexity and capital implications. A forum of industry leaders discusses whether the changes have been effective and how banks…
The future of operational risk management
As the efficiency of operational risk management remains a top priority and pressure to maximise value increases, emerging technology could prove crucial. Nitish Idnani, leader of oprisk management services at Deloitte, explores how the oprisk management…
Making machine learning work for AML
Banks’ anti-money laundering teams are starting to utilise machine learning to combat financial criminals. Risk hosted a webinar in association with NICE Actimize to explore whether these bots can be trusted
Why are investors’ mutual fund market allocations far from optimal?
In this paper, the authors analyze why the optimal portfolio of funds that investors may take under complete information and the actual structure of the mutual fund market differ.
Fed’s risk proposal puts banks on the defensive
New supervisory guidance will make business heads responsible for risk management
Cave quid optes: waterfalls and central counterparty capital
This paper explores the lines of defense of a central counterparty. The author examines the lines of defence ("the waterfall") of a central counterparty (CCP) inter alia in the context of the requirements set by the Principles for Financial Market…
Bank commodity VAR remains muted in Q4
Bank commodity value-at-risk remains muted in Q4
JP Morgan loss highlights lack of risk experts on bank committees
A committed committee?