Risk management

US dollar Libor transition: a new countdown in motion

With almost all Libor settings discontinued at the end of 2021, Philip Whitehurst, head of service development, rates at LCH, addresses what’s ahead for the final US dollar Libor transition to risk-free rates, what has and hasn’t been achieved so far,…

XVA in Japan: the outlook for 2022

Hiroyuki Yoshizawa, executive director, pricing valuations and reference data at IHS Markit Group Japan explores why financial institutions that were early-accounting CVA adopters are now taking the next steps on their XVA journeys

Capitalising on CMBS

Maximising value from better risk management and deal efficiency This Risk.net survey and white paper, commissioned by SS&C Intralinks, assesses the outlook for the CMBS market in the US and Europe, charts the changing risk management priorities of…

Climate risk – Special report 2021

This Risk.net special report contains a collection of articles that consider the impact rising carbon prices will have throughout the economy, discuss the challenges of modelling climate risk exposures and of integrating climate risk into risk management…

Credit risk & modelling – Special report 2021

This Risk special report provides an insight on the challenges facing banks in measuring and mitigating credit risk in the current environment, and the strategies they are deploying to adapt to a more stringent regulatory approach.

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