BofA sets its sights on US synthetic risk transfer market
New trading initiative has already notched at least three transactions
Basel gives on securitisation capital – but industry still unhappy
Proposals on proposals
A cracking time: Banks turn to CDO unwinds
A cracking time
Basel 2.5: US ratings workaround too punitive, banks complain
Basel 2.5: US ratings workaround too punitive, banks complain
Basel 2.5 prompts flurry of asset sales and risk transfer deals
The profits of imbalance
Credit Suisse and UBS on Basel 2.5: Half a world away
Half a world away
Basel 2.5: regulators still wrestling with Dodd-Frank clash
Barriers to Basel
Supervisors on the tracks of shadow banks
Chasing shadows
Long overdue
New due diligence and risk weighting guidance for resecuritisations aims to prevent a repeat of the credit crisis, but should these measures have been included in the 2006 version of Basel II? By Peter Madigan
Resecuritisation set for rapid growth in Japan, says Moody's
Resecuritisation deals - collateralised loan obligations (CLOs) backed by structured finance securities - are likely to grow in Japan, according to a report issued this week by Moody’s Investors Service.