Recovery and resolution
BoE unveils ‘final major piece’ of UK resolution regime
Consultations outline how the Bank of England will assess “resolvability” of banks
Clearing houses urge CFTC to act on non-default losses
US clearing members divided on whether NDLs are CCPs’ responsibility or a mutual risk
FDIC suspends resolution plans for deposit takers
Requirement for opcos of bank holding companies could be tailored or scrapped entirely
Too-big-to-fail resolution regimes found wanting
Fourteen of 24 member countries do not have bail-in powers
Eurozone banks bet on 2024 MREL deadline to ease Brexit pain
SRB says legacy English law bonds ineligible, but BRRD grandfathering could solve problem
Fed finds more risk failings at FBOs than at US firms
FBOs attract hundreds more matters requiring attention than domestic banks
Keeping up with cloud adoption convened a webinar in collaboration with Murex to explore how, as more financial institutions move to the cloud, they can get the most out of their technology investments
Stuck in traffic: EU turf war holds up CCP resolution rules
Unsuitable rules for failed banks could be used to resolve French and German clearing houses
Extra tools needed for bank resolution funding – EU official
Current €55bn fund may not be enough, says senior manager at Single Resolution Board
The price of trust: tackling the risks of ring-fencing
Learning the wrong lesson from Lehman? Ring-fencing hikes risk of bank failure, says Credit Suisse’s Wilson Ervin – he proposes an alternative
EU deadlock set to delay CCP resolution rules
Lawmakers disagree over whether Esma should be given new powers to tackle distressed CCPs
Preparing for the initial margin phase-in
Requirements for the mandatory exchange of initial margin are expected to be time‑consuming and laborious to implement. David White, head of sales at triResolve, discusses the lessons learned from in‑scope firms, obstacles to achieving compliance and how…
To be resolved: the FDIC and the future of bank failure
Will Jelena McWilliams finally nail down the FDIC’s role as a resolution authority?
Bail-in bond issuance set to climb this year – EBA
Regulatory uncertainty fading as constraint on MREL placements
Hosting the world: HKMA on cross-border bank resolution
Hong Kong regulator supports 75% internal TLAC to boost international co-operation
SRB denies conflict of interest claim on Banco Popular
Bondholders poised to challenge “no creditor worse off” valuation if compensation is denied
A CCP is a CCP is a CCP
This paper discusses the many differences between CCPs and banks as well as the significance of these differences.
Replacing too big to fail with too small to survive
Subordinated debt requirement will hit smaller banks hardest
EU parliament’s moratorium plan billed ‘recipe for bank run’
Proposal allows pre-resolution stay as well as one during resolution provided bank reopens in between
EU Council aims to limit bail-in debt rules
Leaked BRRD text reveals all Greek and Portuguese banks could escape subordinated debt regime
French banks add €1.4 billion to Single Resolution Fund
Contributions to the SRF jump 25% on average