Libor market model (LMM)
A market model on the iTraxx
A market model for the dynamics of credit-risky baskets and indexes such as the iTraxx has long been sought, but because of difficulties with the natural numéraire has remained elusive. Here, Philippe Carpentier proposes using hedging arguments to…
Delta and vega hedging in the SABR and LMM-SABR models
Riccardo Rebonato, Andrey Pogudin and Richard White examine the hedging performance of the SABR and LMM-SABR models using real market data. As a by-product, they gain indirect evidence about how well specified the two models are. The results are…
Delta and vega hedging in the SABR and LMM-SABR models
Riccardo Rebonato, Andrey Pogudin and Richard White examine the hedging performance of the SABR and LMM-SABR models using real market data. As a by-product, they gain indirect evidence about how well specified the two models are. The results are…
A time-homogeneous, SABR-consistent extension of the LMM
Riccardo Rebonato proposes an extension of the Libor market model (LMM) that recovers the stochastic, alpha, beta, rho (SABR) caplet prices almost exactly for all strikes and maturities. The dynamics of the volatility are chosen so as to be consistent…
A time-homogeneous, SABR-consistent extension of the LMM
Riccardo Rebonato proposes an extension of the Libor market model (LMM) that recovers the SABR caplet prices almost exactly for all strikes and maturities. The dynamics of the volatility are chosen so as to be consistent across expiries, to be…
CMCDS valuation with market models
There is little, if any, literature available on constant-maturity credit default swap (CDS) valuation. Here, Damiano Brigo builds on his no-arbitrage dynamic CDS market model to derive a formula involving a 'convexity adjustment' feature correction,…
CMCDS valuation with market models
There is little, if any, literature available on constant maturity credit default swap valuation. Here, Damiano Brigo builds on his no-arbitrage dynamic credit default swap (CDS) market model to derive a formula involving a 'convexity adjustment' feature…
Computation methods - Smoking adjoints: fast Monte Carlo Greeks
Monte Carlo calculation of price sensitivities for hedging is often very time- consuming. Michael Giles and Paul Glasserman develop an adjoint method to accelerate the calculation. The method is particularly effective in estimating sensitivities to a…
Smoking adjoints: fast Monte Carlo Greeks
Monte Carlo calculation of price sensitivities for hedging is often very time-consuming. Michael Giles and Paul Glasserman develop an adjoint method to accelerate the calculation. The method is particularly effective in estimating sensitivities to a…
A fully lognormal Libor market model
In the Gaussian Heath-Jarrow-Morton model, all discount factors are lognormal under allforward measures. The Libor market model does not have this property – only the relevantforward Libor rate is lognormal under a given forward measure. However, all…
Common interests
Interest rates
Swap vega in BGM: pitfalls and alternatives
Raoul Pietersz and Antoon PelsserPractitioners who are developing the Libor BGM model for risk management of a swap-based interest rate derivative be warned: for certain volatility functions the estimate of swap vega may be poor. This may occur for time…
Volatile volatilities
When pricing exotic interest rate derivatives, calibration of model parameters to vanilla cap or swaption prices can be especially time-consuming, especially if stochastic volatility is incorporated into the standard Libor market models or low…
Calibrating Libor
With a rich spectrum of maturities and tenors to contend with, the toughest aspect of pricing interest rate options is calibrating models of forward rates to market data. Here, Damiano Brigo and Fabio Mercurio present a scheme for simultaneously…
The essentials of the LMM
Interest rates