Leverage ratio
European buy-side firms face clearing crunch
Large buy-side firms will be subject to Europe’s clearing mandate from December 21, but their smaller peers risk being left behind
Clearers laud EC transition extension for non-EU CCPs
Absent the extension, OCC estimates extra $74 billion in RWAs for European members
US inflation traders consider swap methodology change
Banks weighing up move to non-interpolated standard to cut capital costs
Regulators struggle to conjure the right leverage ratio
Too low, and it has no effect; too high, and liquidity suffers. Time for flexibility?
Reserving judgement: the BoE’s divisive leverage ratio plan
Central bank reserves exemption may squeeze interbank liquidity, raise capital requirements
Repo traders brace for wild quarter-end
Overnight repo rate expected to widen dramatically on Friday
Forget your passport: London outside the single market
UK-based banks seek simplest way to retain EU access post-Brexit
Interest rates house of the year: Societe Generale Corporate and Investment Banking
Multi-asset capabilities and risk recycling allow the bank to bring hit solutions to the market
Can US money funds rely on French banks for repo liquidity?
Foreign dealers may be here today, gone tomorrow
L’exception française: why French banks dominate US repo trading
French banks are exploiting a quirk in the leverage ratio rules to expand repo trading
Esma buys time to fix broken client clearing chains
Two-year clearing delay for small firms might allow indirect model to be built
UBS saves Sfr295m in capital via swaps margin change
FDIC vice-chair has warned of hidden dangers in new approach
US-European rift deepens on leverage ratio
FDIC rebuffs European calls to allow netting of client clearing margin in leverage exposure measure
Interview: Iosco’s Andrews stresses CCP resilience and recovery
CCP resolution spells regulatory failure; guidance to follow on PFMIs and CCP stress-testing
European regulators resist Basel risk models clampdown
EU authorities express concern over move to less risk-sensitive capital requirements
EU could go it alone on leverage ratio, says MEP
Swinburne says clearing should be shielded from ratio “if Basel does not deliver”
Change is the only constant in pricing swaps
Regulation is having unexpected effects on derivatives unwinds
Against the tide: why Kiwi banks want to be clearing members
Rising fees and absence of leverage ratio cause some New Zealand banks to consider direct clearing
Leverage ratio blamed for big swap unwind charges
Buy-siders complain of 'ridiculous' costs to exit trades
Banks pitch auto-resetting CSAs to cut leverage ratio and XVAs
Regular settlement of margin would reduce swaps' residual maturity
European regulator hesitates on higher leverage ratio
EBA voices preference for 3%, but evidence backs Basel plan for G-Sibs
Basel plans would weaken leverage ratio
Adoption of 'risk-sensitive' SA-CCR will allow more leverage, argues FDIC vice-chair
Japanese regulator defends risk-based capital rules
Shirakawa warns binding leverage ratio could harm banks' risk management practices
SEC leverage ratio meetings alarm broker-dealers
US Treasury spread trades could face 850-fold jump in capital requirements