Key risk indicators (KRIs)
Two heads are better than one
Glenn Christensen of Synovus Financial Corp. introduces an enterprise risk management strategy known as the Bifurcated ERM Methodology
Six can fix it
Op risk executives get visibly animated when discussing the subject of Six Sigma, but not many are taking advantage of it. Ellen Davis asks why
Quantifying operational risk using expert opinions
Towards a practical capital model
Existing models for calculating and allocating capital for operational risk fail to achieve their goals. Richard Pike proposes a mixture of such approaches to attain a practical capital framework
Baseline's Basel II solution completes development stage
Baseline Capital Limited has announced completion of the development stage of its Basel II data pool solution.
Sponsor's Article > A difference in kind
Tracking key risk indicators is emerging as a central aspect of best practice for operational risk management. Defining these indicators and establishing benchmarks for them, however, is a complex task. David Rowe discusses an industry initiative that…
Industry KRI study takes off
PHILADELPHIA - A new financial industry initiative to study and define key risk indicators (KRIs) is gathering momentum. The results of the first stage of the process and the simultaneous launch of the second phase were announced in late October.
Banks behind in op risk systems implementation
Bank operational risk measurement and management frameworks are not yet being used to drive business decision-making at most firms, according to a new survey by PA Consulting, an international financial services consulting firm.
Reuters enters the op risk software market
NEW YORK - Reuters is the newest player in the op risk software field. The global information technology company is preparing to launch an as-yet-unnamed op risk software solution in the next two months, says Julian Fisher, head of operational risk at…
Running a smooth operation
Firms rise to the op risk data management challenge
NEW YORK - Like all risk management problems, operational risk relies on a sufficient supply of good quality data if analysis is to be meaningful and decision-making effective.
Exclusive survey shows "reality gap"
There is a substantial gap between expectations and reality when it comes to the short-term benefits of putting an operational risk management framework in place. This gap is clearly shown in the results of an exclusive survey conducted by Operational…
Using Bayesian networks to predict op risk
By combining qualitative and quantitative data, Bayesian networks offer the perfect solution to the compelling need for an integrated approach to operational risk management, say Martin Neil and Ed Tranham.
Beyond Basel II - operational risk management comes of age
Integrated, enterprise-wide, operational risk management can offer much more than just regulatory compliance.
Moving to the centre
Basel II means banks will have to centralise the management of operational risk or lose out to competitors.
An advanced model for op risk capital calculation
The Basel II regulators need to develop a comprehensive approach to op risk modelling, says Tony Blunden in his final article on the new capital accord.