High-frequency trading (HFT)
Quant unlocks the physics of the flash crash
The flash crash was statistically distinct from other market panics, and can be understood with a little help from the physics of supercool magnets
Brokerage firm penalised for illicit high-frequency trading
Brokerage firm penalised for illicit high-frequency trading
HFT quote bombardment blamed for flash crash in May
High-frequency trading firms accused of attempting to overwhelm market infrastructure.
Man’s $21bn quant fund sees no need for high frequency trading
AHL, the managed futures single manager of Man Investments, says it sees no need to participate in the high-frequency area to secure alpha from its trend-following strategy.
Dodd-Frank prop desk carve-out creates restructuring risks
Intellectual property and internal talent could get caught up in bank prop desk divorce
Dacharan High Exposure Fund: Dacharan Capital
Tenth European Performance Awards 2010
Comparison are tricky
Technology Round Table: challenges ahead for the future
Systems tested by changing conditions
Technology Round Table: challenges ahead for the future
Low latency can be critical issue
Technology Round Table: challenges ahead for the future
FSA investigates high-frequency trading
Daily news headlines
Future technology needs to reflect business objectives
What are the key questions to ask technology suppliers when selecting a system?