More guidance, less enforcement: the SEC under Paul Atkins
Current and former insiders expect clearer crypto rules and an end to regulatory violation sweeps
TD US to sell up to $50bn of securities
Asset cap imposed after AML settlement limits growth of retail banking arm
Ruled out: can regulators settle the pre-hedging debate?
Market participants are at odds over the practice and whether regulation or principles can settle the score
Banks urged to boost third-party scrutiny amid AML crackdown
Three US regulators highlight deficiencies in banks’ due diligence on fintech partners
Op risk data: Shady loans robbing Reliance of $1.1bn
Also: H20’s less-than-liquid holdings, Ripple ripped for $125m, and more WhatsApp slaps expected. Data by ORX News
Op risk data: Payday lender Skytrail sees $1.4bn disappear
Also: Cartel claims cost European bond dealers dearly, plus oil price gouging and crypto cover-ups. Data by ORX News
For compliance risk, the big get bigger
Second-line teams have been growing at US G-Sibs – and are set to continue – while Europeans’ flatline
Op risk data: UBS takes a giant Greensill pill
Also: Nasdaq insider trading rap; Trafigura travesty; further Citi fat-finger fail. Data by ORX News
Does Basel’s internal loss multiplier add up?
As US agencies mull capital reforms, one regulator questions past losses as an indicator of future op risk
Op risk data: Japan’s giant bitcoin break-in makes a monster loss
Also: Citi’s fat-finger fallout; HSBC pays for unfair customer treatment; Visa and Mastercard fined over ATM fee-fixing. Data by ORX News
Op risk data: TD Bank takes US reg pill in purported drug-related AML fails
Also: SCB fraud bill rising fast; Postbank pain for Deutsche Bank. Data by ORX News
Op risk data: Lloyds lurches over £450m motor finance speed bump
Also: JPM trips up on trade surveillance; Reg Best Interest starts to bite. Data by ORX News
Op risk data: Morgan Stanley clocked in block trading shock
Also: HSBC deposit guarantee gaffe; Caixa hack cracked; reg fine insult to cyber crime injury. Data by ORX News
Op risk data: TD Bank takes $95m pill for pyramid scheme
Also: GE settles after juicing asset manager sale; keeping conflicts of interest quiet. Data by ORX News
Op risk data: Cigna catches a $172m cold over fake diagnoses
Also: Shinhan Bank America breaks AML rules; more greenwashing grime at DWS. Data by ORX news
Banks look to improve policies on self-reporting
Risk Live: Most whistleblowers report internally before alerting regulators, says ex-SEC official
US compliance teams face more intrusive Fed supervision
Regional banks look at enhanced data management to handle growing numbers of MRA notices
Op risk data: WhatsApp fines keep on coming
Also: ‘Five families’ stock-lending cartel pays up; double hit for Wells Fargo. Data by ORX News
Op risk data: Aussie insurers caught out in chronic pricing misconduct
Also: JP Morgan settles Epstein lawsuit; US in crypto clampdown. Data by ORX News
Clients versus compliance: banks hung up over WhatsApp fines
Most opt for outright ban, but some seek technological solutions to monitor private messaging
Op risk data: Credit Suisse hit for $900m in offshore trust bust
Also: Goldman boys’ club gets the boot; HSBC double whammy; Havilland’s economic sabotage plan. Data by ORX News