Financial crime
Interview: Richard Alderman, the UK's Serious Fraud Office director
When Richard Alderman became director of the UK Serious Fraud Office in 2008, he set about to try to make the SFO more approachable, and encourages financial firms to pop in for a chat about how they can better manage fraud risks. He talks to Nick Kochan
Ukraine: Regulation weaknesses underline need for deeper financial reform
Nick Kochan delves into Ukraine’s regulation of its financial sector and the approach its banks are taking to fraud. He finds that, despite appearances, the country and its banks have a long way to go before their controls meet the high standards…
SEC charges stockbroker over $250 million Ponzi
The US regulator unearths yet another pyramid scheme fraud
Bank of America $2bn Bear Stearns lawsuit goes to court
Case against two Bear Stearns hedge fund managers to be decided in court