
CME introduces new forex contracts

The Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) said yesterday it will introduce 13 new foreign exchange futures contracts to start trading in the second quarter of this year. The new contracts include 11 non-dollar cross-rates and two dollar-based contracts.

IPE pulls ‘premature’ power contract

London’s International Petroleum Exchange (IPE) has suspended trading on its electricity futures contract. The instrument, which has traded only 70 lots since its launch in March last year and nothing since the five lots it traded in January, has…

Korea drives Asian option growth

Turnover in equity index contracts rose by 40% at Asian exchanges in the fourth quarter of last year, according to the latest quarterly report from the Bank for International Settlements (BIS). The Switzerland-based banking body pointed to the rapid…

Malaysia to launch bond futures contract

Malaysia Derivatives Exchange (MDEX) has announced that it will launch a five-year government bond futures contract at the end of March, the first such contract to be issued in Malaysia.

HKEx cuts derivatives fees in competitiveness drive

Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing (HKEx) has proposed a reduction in fees for its listed derivatives products, as part of a drive to improve the competitiveness of the exchange and attract greater numbers of overseas investors.

Liffe adds to stock futures line-up

The London International Financial Futures and Options Exchange (Liffe) will list a further 22 European universal stock futures from April 18 2002. From that date, a total of 118 universal stock futures will be available on blue-chip stocks from 12…

Bourse de Montréal reaches out to US market

Bourse de Montréal has obtained approval from the US Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) to offer US dealers and brokers access to its electronic trading platform, the Montréal Automated System (Sam), for trading futures contracts and options on…

New electronic equity options exchange planned for US

The US is set have a new electronic equity derivatives exchange by the end of the year, following the formation of Boston Options Exchange Group (Box), a joint venture between the Boston Stock Exchange, Bourse de Montréal and trade execution firm…

Nybot lobbies against proposed futures transaction tax

The New York Board of Trade (Nybot) has sent a letter to the US Congress detailing its opposition to the Bush administration’s fiscal year 2003 budget proposal seeking a new tax to be levied on each commodity futures and options contract traded on a…

ICE cool over EnronOnline’s revival

Atlanta-based trading portal IntercontinentalExchange (ICE) remains bullish about its prospects, despite the re-launch of a repackaged EnronOnline. The new version of the bankrupt Enron’s Web-based energy market was launched on February 11 by Swiss…

Euronext in further European expansion

Euronext, the combined Paris, Amsterdam and Brussels exchange, has taken a further step towards creating a pan-European derivatives trading platform, by entering a cross-selling agreement with the Warsaw Stock Exchange (WSE).

OneChicago eyes 'narrow-narrow' indexes

OneChicago will follow up the launch of single-stock futures – slated for mid-April – with the creation of 'narrow-narrow' indexes, according to William Rainer, chairman of OneChicago.

Oldest US exchange looks to energy futures

Merchants Exchange, the oldest commodity exchange in the US, plans to offer energy futures contracts for the first time. The move follows an increase in demand for cleared contracts following the bankruptcy of Enron, although Merchants Exchange said it…

CBOT launches X-Funds

The Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT) today launched X-Funds, short-duration futures contracts that track the performance of a professionally selected index.

CBOT explores re-launch of corporate bond futures

The Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT) is exploring market interest in a new corporate bond index futures contract, and will decide whether to draft contract specifications within the next few weeks, according to Julie Winkler, a senior economist involved…

Euronext expands weather potential

Euronext is launching six weather indexes for France, called 'NextWeather', as a first step to offering exchange-traded weather derivatives contracts in continental Europe next year.

Hong Kong derivatives volumes rise in 2001

Derivatives trading volumes in Hong Kong soared to new highs last year, with total futures and options contract volumes rising by 13.9% in 2001 from the previous year, according to the Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing (HKEx).

Deutsche Börse to release Neuer Sentiment Index

Deutsche Börse is set to release a new 'behaviour-oriented' equity index based on the Neuer Market – made up of 325 mainly German technology and high-growth companies – as a market information tool for dealers.

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