Economic capital
Unexpected recovery risk
For credit portfolio managers, the priority is to properly incorporate recovery rates into existing models. Here, Michael Pykhtin improves upon earlier approaches, allowing recovery rates to depend on the idiosyncratic part of a borrower’s asset return,…
Unexpected recovery risk
For credit portfolio managers, the priority is to properly incorporate recovery rates into existing models. Here, Michael Pykhtin improves upon earlier approaches, allowing recovery rates to depend on the idiosyncratic part of a borrower’s asset return,…
Economic capital versus regulatory capital – a market benchmark
Guido Giese sets out to provide a market benchmark for the relationship between economic andregulatory capital models currently used or developed across different financial institutions, andto analyse the market forces driving the development of economic…
An approach to economic capital for financial services firms
What is economic capital, and how can it be both used and calculated? Bruce Porteous, Louise McCulloch and Pradip Tapadar have the answers.
Op risk economic capital is 15%, says BIS study
Banks allocate an average of 15% of their economic capital for operational risk, according to a study released today by the Bank for International Settlements (BIS).
McDonough speaks on QIS3 results, and US regulatory changes
"At this early stage, the results suggest that the incentives built into the New Accord are functioning as we had hoped," said William McDonough, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and the head of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision…
Metrics - Economic capital: towards an integrated risk framework
Performance and bonuses are increasingly being assessed on profits after a charge for economic capital allocations. This has increased line managers’ interest in economic capital. As a result, risk managers must ensure that economic capital allocations…
Implementing Basel II: the practical implications
180 risk professionals gathered in London last month to discuss the practical implications of implementing Basel II. National discretion, economic capital models and data collection and consistency were all hot topics at this PRMIA/ISDA-hosted event.
The maturity effect on credit risk capital
In a mark-to-market approach to credit risk capital, ratings or spread volatility has the effect of making longer-maturity loans more capital-intensive. This is incorporated in the current Basel II proposals via a maturity adjustment factor. Arguing that…
Calculating the contribution
Economic capital
Haircuts for hedge funds
Modeling and measuring operational risk
Recent operational risk events such as occurred at Barings, Daiwa, Sumitomo, and other institutions show the importance of measuring and controlling such operational risk. In this paper the authors present a quantitative operational risk measurement…