Dodd-Frank Act
WHAT IS THIS? Properly known as the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, this controversial US legislative package enacted a host of reforms agreed by the G20 nations in the aftermath of the financial crisis, including rules on the clearing, execution and reporting of standardised swaps. It also introduced the Volcker rule ban on proprietary trading by banks, and a new way of liquidating big institutions.
Icap European Sef faces axe as US, EU reach equivalence deal
Dual-registered venue no longer necessary under US-EU substituted compliance regime, say lawyers
Banks prepare for battle with Fed over G-Sib rules
Proposals would kill client clearing business, FCMs claim – but postponement is a chance to fight back
Top 10 energy risks and challenges
Regulation and changing market dynamics among threats to energy in year ahead
Model validators squeezed by stress test deadlines
CCAR cycle frustrates compliance with Fed model risk guidance
Giancarlo urges EU to protect CCP equivalence deal
CFTC head offers olive branches on ANE rule and trading venue protocols
Reporting rules key for EU-US swaps trading equivalence
Market participants welcome outcomes-based approach, but need clarity where rules differ
CCPs say central bank access needed to avoid liquidity crisis
Uniform access to deposit accounts and overnight liquidity vital, say market participants
US Treasury hands CCP resolution powers to FDIC
Mnuchin regulatory review explicitly refers to FDIC as receiver under a Title II resolution
Treasury review not rollback of reforms – CFTC counsel
Trump order is a chance to ease some rules and promote cross-border regulatory deference
Unskewed incentives: making governance work
EIB model head explains a four-step process for putting risk at the centre of governance efforts
Industry pushes CFTC to prioritise cross-border clarity
Approaching Mifid II deadline adds urgency to Giancarlo’s overhaul of Sef rules
Final US position limits rule will take ‘at least a year’
CFTC expected to draft a narrow list of contracts in scope
Covered funds seen as starting point for Volcker rule reform
Inter-agency consensus may prove more elusive on altering prop-trading definitions
US gives 21 banks another year to solve resolution problems
Banks including Societe Generale, Santander and BNP Paribas have until end-2018 to file plans
FX forwards users drop EU banks over margin rule
Other dealers do not have to collect margin on physically settled forwards
Tradeweb’s Mifid bilateral trading plans draw fire
New process will class privately executed trades as on-venue to satisfy trading obligation
Bailout obsession holds back US CCP resolution regime
Dodd-Frank leaves legal uncertainty, but proposed alternatives could be even worse
Fed paper reignites debate on bank capital ratios
US industry association criticises official analysis suggesting optimal Basel ratios of up to 26%
Buy side unimpressed with Mifid II cost transparency rules
Clients question value of receiving dealers’ swaps profit margin data
A 10% leverage ratio does not justify waiving the Volcker rule
Former Fed manager Christopher Laursen warns against prop trading, even for well-capitalised banks
Scrap the gold plate: Mnuchin goes global on bank rules
Treasury converges to international standards, but leverage ratio exception may delay Basel deal
SEC and CFTC will align on derivatives rules, Cox tells funds
Ex-SEC head says hedge funds should expect greater harmonisation between regulators
US Treasury stance on CCAR a return to ‘bad old days’
Overhaul would kill test failed by eight banks in past three years
US Treasury’s leverage fix tipped to boost repo market
US Treasury plan to exempt US government bond exposures expected to help struggling market