Credit derivatives
Big bang: new dawn for CDS market
The 'big bang' protocol, which changes the way credit derivatives are quoted and traded, may have brought a CDS exchange one step closer
Japanese exchanges move to set up CCPs next year
Risk mitigation systems for over-the-counter derivatives set to go live in 2010
BCBS releases valuation and leverage report
Daily news headlines
Politicians clamour for OTC derivatives reform
Regulatory News
Isda launches CDS protocols for Icelandic bank settlement
Daily news headlines
Testing times
Editor's letter
Gamma loss and prepayment
Peter Jackel presents a model for the dynamics of fractional notional losses and prepayments on asset-backed securities for the valuation and risk management of derivatives, including waterfall structures and other structured debt obligations on bespoke…
Let's jump together: pricing credit derivatives
Joao Garcia, Serge Goossens and Wim Schoutens introduce a dynamic multivariate jump-driven model for credit spreads. The model parameters come from a calibration on swaptions and a correlation-matching procedure. The authors apply the model to credit…
Explaining the Levy base correlation smile
Joao Garcia and Serge Goossens look at base expected loss at maturity both in the Gaussian copula and Levy-based models, and link it to base correlation in these frameworks. They report on the existence of smile in both base correlation curves and…
A trick of the credit tail
Leveraged super-senior (LSS) trades represent a mechanism for packaging senior credit risk. Many LSS structures have been issued to date and yet there seems to be no formal pricing approach. In this article, Jon Gregory discusses the valuation of LSS…
Isda submits industry goals to New York Fed
Daily news headlines
Market-implied Archimedean copulas
Computations of implied copulas are a central element in producing loss distributions of bespoke portfolios and pricing their tranches. This process is made feasible by the availability of index tranche pricing data. Luigi Vacca shows how it is possible…
A trick of the credit tail
Credit derivatives
Calibration of CDO tranches with the dynamical GPL model
Consistent calibration of a credit index and its tranches across maturities with a single arbitrage-free model is a difficult problem. Here, Damiano Brigo, Andrea Pallavicini and Roberto Torresetti show that a simple loss dynamics based on the…
Market-implied Archimedean copulas
Computations of implied copulas are a central element in producing loss distributions of bespoke portfolios and pricing their tranches. This process is made feasible by the availability of index tranche pricing data. Luigi Vacca shows how it is possible…
Gamma process dynamic modelling of credit
The existing generation of credit derivatives models is unsatisfactory because they generally contain arbitrage, cannot describe the dynamics of the process, and are hard to extend beyond vanilla products. Martin Baxter has created a new tractable family…
Gamma process dynamic modelling of credit
The existing generation of credit derivatives models is unsatisfactory because they generally contain arbitrage, cannot describe the dynamics of the process, and are hard to extend beyond vanilla products. Martin Baxter has created a new tractable family…
Isda: 38% rise in credit derivatives notional in first half of 2007
The notional amount outstanding of over-the-counter credit derivatives grew by 32% in the first six months of the year, reaching $45.46 trillion in mid-2007, according to the International Swaps and Derivatives Association.
Fed vice-chair outlines views on financial stability and policy
Fed: Credit derivatives have been boon, liquidity events pose risk
Bernanke opines on credit derivatives
Fed chairman discusses role of regulators in credit derivatives
Calibration of CDO tranches with the dynamical GPL model
Consistent calibration of a credit index and its tranches across maturities with a single arbitrage-free model is a difficult problem. Here, Damiano Brigo, Andrea Pallavicini and Roberto Torresetti show that a simple loss dynamics based on the…
FSA warns of default risk
The growing use of credit derivatives and the rise of private equity mean that a large-scale default could be a much more complex and serious event in the future, according to the UK Financial Services Authority.